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切菜板用什么木材好 切菜板用怎样的木好


切菜板用什么木材好 切菜板用怎样的木好







1, hophornbeam: Hophornbeam is the common real wood chopping block on market material, because its are out of shape flintily, anti-corrosively, not easily,wait for an advantage and be welcomed. Level off of surface of hophornbeam chopping block is smooth, easily clean, and service life is long.

2, basswood: Basswood is in north is relatively common, its quality of a material is relatively solid also, but more lightsome than hophornbeam. Surface of basswood chopping block is smooth and exquisite, not easy and bibulous, easily clean, and have good corrosion resistance.

3, maple: Maple has hard grain and density, can resist well the cut of cutting tool and nick. Its density is high, not changeful form and moisture absorption, it is better to have be able to bear or endure ability in swimming, still have the natural property that fight bacterium.

4, oak: Oak is tough and durable, suit to make durable chopping block. It has the good performance that fight bacterium and anticorrosive property, prevent a bacterium effectively to cause degenerate with lumber.

5, Walnut: Walnut quality of a material is solid and rich burnish, wearability and be able to bear or endure ability in swimming is better, not changeful form and moisture absorption, it is the good choice that makes high quality chopping block.

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