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美驻澳使馆手滑 群发睡衣派对请柬(英语双语阅读)


美驻澳使馆手滑 群发睡衣派对请柬(英语双语阅读)

The US embassy in Canberra has apologized for a "training error" after distributing a fake meeting invitation, complete with a photo of a pajama-wearing cat. 近日,美国驻堪培拉大使馆群发了一份假的会议邀请,里边配有一张穿睡衣的猫咪照片,之后美使馆就这次“训练失误”道歉。 The email, titled "meeting", featured a photo of a tabby cat wearing a blue Cookie Monster outfit and holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies, beneath the title "cat pajama-jam". 邮件的主题是“会议”,但里边的照片是一只身穿蓝色甜饼怪睡衣、抱着一盘巧克力碎曲奇的虎斑猫,配文“猫咪睡衣派对”。 The email also contained a section of Latin and recipients were given the option to hit an RSVP tab. 此外,该邮件中还包含了一些拉丁语文字以及可供接收人点击的“回复”图标。

It is unknown how widely the email was distributed. 目前尚不清楚这份邮件的分发范围有多广。 US Mission to Australia public affairs counselor Gavin Sundwall kept his apology lighthearted. 美国驻澳大利亚使馆公共事务参赞加文·森德沃尔调侃了这一事件。 "Sorry to disappoint those of you who were hoping to attend this 'cat pajama-jam' party, but such an event falls well outside our area of expertise," he wrote in a follow-up email. 他在跟进的电子邮件中写道:“我们向那些希望参加'猫咪睡衣派对'的人致歉,只是这种活动真的不属于我们的业务范围。” "It was a training error made by one of our new staff testing out our email newsletter platform." Sundwall said "strong new management controls" would be added to prevent a repeat of the mistake. 森德沃尔表示:“邮件是一位新员工在测试邮件通讯平台时发生的训练失误,”防止类似错误再次发生,大使馆将实施严格的新管理措施。

上一篇:科学家发现 西藏地区曾分布热带雨林!(英语双语阅读)
下一篇:美驻澳使馆手滑 群发睡衣派对请柬(英语双语阅读)