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1.红光满面【读音】:hóng guāng mǎn miàn:形容人的气色好,脸色红润。

2. 喜笑颜开【读音】: xǐ xiào yán kāi: 形容心里十分高兴,满面笑容。

3. 蓬头垢面【读音】:péng tóu gòu miàn:旧时形容贫苦人生活生活条件很坏的样子。也泛指没有修饰。

4. 文质彬彬【读音】:wén zhì bīn bīn:指纹理与质地协调。形容气质温文尔雅,行为举止端正,文雅有礼貌。

5. 闭月羞花【读音】:bì yuè xiū huā:形容我国古代四大美人的容貌倾国倾城,宛若天仙。现指女子的容貌美丽。

6. 愁眉苦脸【读音】:chóu méi kǔ liǎn:皱着眉头,哭丧着脸,借以形容愁苦的神色。









苍老的面孔 ,和蔼的面孔

俊俏的面孔 ,善良的面孔 

俏皮的面孔 ,漂亮的面孔


































2018 Asias vogue are 100 pieces of face whole list?

Asia-Pacific area is the most handsome before 100 pieces of face 10 (the name announces orderly early or late according to the rank) it is respectively: Xiao Zhan (China) , Wu Shixun (Korea) , hill falls wisdom long (Japan) , Wang Jia Er (Chinese Hong Kong) , Deng Lun (China) cropland country (Korea) , Jin Taiheng (Korea) ; Asia-Pacific area is the most beautiful before 100 pieces of face 10 (the name announces orderly early or late according to the rank) it is respectively: LISA (Thailand) , fine of palace coerce (Japan) , Jennie (Korea) , Angelababy (China) , He Sui (China) , Lin Yuner (China) , in Shi Yuan beautiful (Japan) , graceful plunge into (China) , .

Does Chinese face include?

1. in ruddy health [pronunciation] : N of à of N Mi of ǎ of Ng M of ā of H ó Ng Gu: The color of form tolerate with others is good, complexion is ruddy.

2.Light up with pleasure [pronunciation] : I of ā of N K of á of O Y of à of X ǐ Xi: In appearance heart very glad, beam.

3.Unkempt [pronunciation] : N of à of U Mi of ò of U G of ó of P é Ng T: Old times describes the manner with very bad living conditions of poor person living. Also generally refer to was not decorated.

4.Gentle [pronunciation] : N of ī of N B of ī of B of ì of W é N Zh: Show grain and quality of a material are harmonious. Describe temperamental gentle adn cultivated, conduct behavior is decorous, cultured polite.

5.The be ashamed that close a month spends [pronunciation] : ā of Hu of ū of Xi of è of B ì Yu: Ancient time of appearance our country the appearance of 4 old beautiful woman is extremely beautiful, wanre a beauty. The appearance that points to a woman now is beautiful.

6.Woebegone [pronunciation] : N of ǎ of Li of ǔ of I K of é of Ch ó U M: Knitting brows, put on a long face, so as to describes the expression of anxiety.

Is Europe the most beautiful face?

Italy most Bei Luji of belle star main actor, still have American Si Jiali, british Aimawotesen, france all alone of Ma of Su Fei of the first first love

Comical face pronunciation?

Slippery Hua rising tone, check Ji high and level tone, face Mian falling tone, aperture Kong falling-rising tone

Is Chinese face terminal?

Smile, severity, praise, criticism, beside our everybody, be full of mixed face. Their some is genuine, some is hypocritical, some is high-key, some coma. Look for a long time, the mask that is without life as looking at each unexpectedly is general, what be everybody's heart layer upon layer wrap up is concealed, let us divide not clear differentiate unidentified.

In the life, without giving thought to us with why be being planted face shows a person, but the sunshine that kindness is full of in wanting a heart only, then we will enlighten eventually the heart of others, break up that smoother, acquire other approbate, gain the genuine smiling face of others!

What face fill a vacancy?

Aged face, sweet face

Charming face, kind-hearted face

Nifty face, beautiful face

Still have: Celestial face: Ground above is very tall very far vast space

Sentence-making: Celestial mood is not being represented alone, because the sky is not alone, you see the cloud of that configuration much appearance, the bird that that hovers and passes, still have harships thunder and lightning, the heavenly bodies, they are having boundless charm, be in momently the face of commutation sky, added a lot of pleasure for that quiet blue.

The composition of face?


Face (" face " " face " , the face calls a face aperture, colour face again) for the mankind part of front of head human body, limits comes for the forehead chin. Include the forehead, eyebrow, eye, nose, mouth, lip, skin, buccal, chin wait for organ or part. Among them eye, ear, mouth, nose, larynx calls facial features, basically point to face organ namely, but strict and Yan Er, larynx is both do not be located in face. The mankind is mixed through face generation expression identify the identity, learn in the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in, the face still reflects the healthy condition that gives a person.

Table of article of two pairs of face?

Be in 18 this day, I cannot help opening small gain to heat up search, it is to want to see which discharge star go up again originally heat up search, saw Li Ronghao's name suddenly. Actually he is seventeen when delivered a small gain, and bask in gave oneself picture, looking like just filmed. Can pass to do not have how long, he runs again go delivering small gain above Ins, and still basked in same Zhang Zhao piece. Originally I feel is curious very, send a small gain and Ins just, why is search heated up on the meeting?

Original attention is nodded and not be above the photograph, match in his however civil, though be a piece of photograph, but Li Ronghao used two to match differently completely civil. Bask in on small gain when be being illuminated nearly, he says: Leave you please at the moment the mood. And after running to Ins, he is narcissism instead, allow authority directly: Come, toward dead boast me. Because,also be such contrast, say to let a lot of netizens feel so very do laugh, say to just can be caused so discuss, make the topic mounts hot search thereby. A lot of vermicelli made from bean starch cannot help spitting groove, li Ronghao, why do you have two pairs of face?

Even still vermicelli made from bean starch produced a kind extremely exaggerated idea: You have agency in Ins. It is to look at these comments merely, I am about to was laughed to die, li Ronghao and his vermicelli made from bean starch is too lovely really, also be the condition that a kind of each other rancors at ordinary times. Will tell normally, general male star is very few because be patted oneself,mount hot search, if be to mount hot search really, because,also be commonly Yan Zhi. At the beginning, the small eye that I think is Li Ronghao is spat again groove, the dot goes in to see be him so match civil ah!

At this moment, a lot of vermicelli made from bean starch also begin to urge him, think he should do business normally send special. Regard a music as the talent, a lot of people are like because of his song to go up, discover he is boy of a treasure so later. And Li Ronghao's feeling also gets attention fully, he and Yang Chenglin are paradigmatic husband and wife completely, although do not have,2 people marry too long, but all the time special conjugal love. Before still be being written down, I have the concert video that has watched him, discovery is very interesting really, it is a kind of comedic feeling completely.

But when singing, li Ronghao can turn love song into prince again, such contrast is very interesting still. A lot of audiences think, he should attend " happy and comedic person " , also can experiencing him from which is a more humorous person. At ordinary times everybody also likes to spit groove very much his small eye, and regarding this as is a stalk, dan Lirong grand seems to won't get angry, also meet instead with netizens " photograph loving each other kills " , this also is his welcome reason. Finally, I also am very the new special that expects him, also hope he can be mixed quickly Yang Chenglin is the same as a beautiful conjugal love.

Fresh face words of song?

Song: Chinese home wind

Singer: Cheng Fengbin

Libretto: A star is beamed river Hanmoli, blast delivers countless miracles.

Earth of river of a smooth warm river, one cloudlet sows next full garden verdancy.

Mother of the first month 3 change, tung leaf seals younger brother, essence of life faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland, kong Rong lets pear.

Fresh face, wonderful legend, dramatic narrative, social philosophic theory.

Ah, domestic wind acting generation is passed, moist I and you.

Salutary influence of education, every bits of bit be in harmony takes a heart in.

Pare chrysalis reel off raw silk from cocoons, filar silk twines mood.

The laborious sense day of your home uses the land, the new law of Shi Shuxin charm of his home,

The filial success of your home is great implement, the wind of honest and tolerant Jiaohua of his home reviews.

Read n cultivated land establish a body, genial always afterwards.

Hardworking and thrifty sends the home, be as good as one's word is heavy justice.

Vivid teaching material, the achievement beside.

Repair daily for, the agglomeration of domestic wind.

Ah, domestic wind Lian Guofeng, wind shows the country impressive manner.

Fill world elegance and talent, custom becomes a common practice gradually.

Pure Brightness atmosphere, everybody sees virtuous Sai Qi.

The meaning of Chinese face?

Chinese face is to not have do it, this is paid attention to comply with -- everythings on earth has meantime to have its, people works should pay attention to objective law to accomplish day person syncretic. The treatise of Marx agrees to it " the target that how the object becomes a person should depend on the property of the object and the substaintial force quality that object property gets used to " ; Include namely moreover, posture of this piece of face compares Chinese face character says more be good at listen respectfully, then Chinese which times always appeals " take its elite to go its scum " , this piece of face this one please yourself is chiliad. Chinese face is not so soft bending over to do-nothingly is not to be in absolutely of oneself do-nothing, be do-nothing at his content, the Chinese nation is the nation that is good at self-communion, put call adj ego now critically, this is China culture big and the unabated is essential, it is the cover character of this piece of face, if did not have this,enrage this piece of face forcedly again docile its connotation is insufficient also and breathtaking.
