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可口可乐的企业文化? 可口可乐企业文化的作用?英文双语对照


可口可乐的企业文化? 可口可乐企业文化的作用?英文双语对照


北京可口可乐车间的墙上有一句口号——“由产品品人品之优秀,由人品品产品之优质”,为了保证产品的优秀品质,可口可乐建立了非常完善的关于生产、销售等各方面的标准操作规程,这也是保证所有员工能够达到基本绩效的有力保证,也就是说不同的人按一样的流程做事,做出来的结果是有基本保障的。 可以用五句话来概括北京可口可乐公司的企业文化:客户导向,品质至上,构建和谐,激情活力,永争第一。 企业文化 == 企业的精神面貌(形象)、思想境界(品位)、行为准则(道德)和价值取向(追求)等;简单的说就是:怎么做人、怎么做事、怎么生活




以下是一些关于可口可乐企业文化的参考文献:1. Bart, C., & Hinksman, C. (2011). Coca-Cola: Delivering Freedom: Marketing Strategies and the Globalization of Happiness. Journal of Popular Culture, 44(4), 810-828.2. Gale, W., & Branch, E. S. (2013). Coca-Cola's Identity and Branding Strategies: Analyzing the Coca-Cola Company's Global Internal and External Environments. Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability, 8(3), 40-58.3. Nysis, O. (2017). The Coca-Cola Company: A Comprehensive Analysis of Coca-Cola's Corporate Strategy. International Journal of Business Communication, 54(1), 55-70.4. Rinehart, L. M., & Delaney-Klinger, K. (2006). Gendered Discourses of Authenticity in Coca-Cola Advertising. Journal of Popular Culture, 39(4), 587-605.5. Vrontis, D. (2016). Coca-Cola's Mission and Vision Statements: An Analysis of Strategy, Theory, and Practice. Journal of International Business Research, 15(2), 1-16.6. Yuksekdag, B., & Isiklar, G. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Engagement: A Case Study of Coca-Cola Company. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 195, 690-699.这些文献提供了关于可口可乐企业文化、品牌战略、社会责任等方面的研究和分析,可供参考。




















尽管很多不同关于「可口可乐」这个名字的传说,其实「可口可乐」 的英文名字是由彭伯顿当时的助手及合伙人会计员罗宾逊命名的。

他自己是一个古典书法家,他认为“两个大写C字会很好看”,因此 用了“Coca-Cola”,“coca”是可可树叶子提练的香料, “cola”是可可果中取出的成份。「可口可乐」的商标百多年来一直未有改变「可口可乐」中文名字 的 由来 「可口可乐」 这个名字,一直以来被认为世上翻译得最好的名字, 既“可口”亦“可乐”,不但保持英文的音,还比英文更有意思。原来这个中文名字是由一位上海学者编出来的。「可口可乐」 在 「1920年代已在上海生产但是没有正式的中文名字,于是当时 「可 口可乐」 专门负责海外业务的「可口可乐」出口公司,在英国登报 征求译名。









One, the company culture of Coke Cola?

There is a catchword on the wall of workshop of Beijing Coke Cola -- " what taste bearing by the product is outstanding, what taste a product by bearing is high grade " , to assure the fine quality of the product, coke Cola built the very perfect standard operating rules that waits for each respect about production, sale, this also is to make sure what all employee can achieve basic performance is strong assure, the person that differs that is to say works by same technological process, making the kill that come have basic safeguard. Can generalize the company culture of company of Beijing Coke Cola with 5 words: The client is oriented, character is consummate, compose builds harmony, passionate vigor, always contend for the first. Company culture==The spiritual outlook of the enterprise (figure) , thought state (grade) , code of conduct (morality) with value orientaton (pursuit) wait; Say simply even if: How be an upright person, how to work, how to live

2, the action of culture of Coke Cola company?

Culture of Coke Cola company engrafts a kind of concept to countrywide each district namely.

3, bibliographical reference of culture of Coke Cola company?

It is a few bibliographical reference about culture of Coke Cola company below: 1. Bart, c. , &hinksman, c. (2011) . Coca-Cola: Delivering Freedom: Marketing Strategies And The Globalization Of Happiness. Journal Of Popular Culture, 44(4) , 810-828.2. Gale, w. , &branch, e. S. (2013) . Coca-Cola's Identity And Branding Strategies: Analyzing The Coca-Cola Company's Global Internal And External Environments. Journal Of Strategic Innovation And Sustainability, 8(3) , 40-58.3. Nysis, o. (2017) . The Coca-Cola Company: A Comprehensive Analysis Of Coca-Cola's Corporate Strategy. International Journal Of Business Communication, 54(1) , 55-70.4. Rinehart, l. M. , &delaney-Klinger, k. (2006) . Gendered Discourses Of Authenticity In Coca-Cola Advertising. Journal Of Popular Culture, 39(4) , 587-605.5. Vrontis, d. (2016) . Coca-Cola's Mission And Vision Statements: An Analysis Of Strategy, theory, and Practice. Journal Of International Business Research, 15(2) , 1-16.6. Yuksekdag, b. , &isiklar, g. (2015) . Corporate Social Responsibility And Stakeholder Engagement: A Case Study Of Coca-Cola Company. Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences, 195, 690-699. These document offerred the research that waits for a respect about responsibility of strategy of culture of Coke Cola company, brand, society and analysis, can offer reference.

4, course of development of culture of Coke Cola company and content?

The brand culture of Coke Cola

One, the establish that is long-term company image goal and implementation, it is its make the world the most valuable the basic strategy of the brand. No matter be Coke Cola or 100 things coke,be the pays attention to brand and brand the earliest enterprise on the world.

2, it is clever, with great quantity sale is politic. Effective, consistent advertisement and sales promotion, pay attention to pack and visual figure, the advertisement cost investment of company a huge sum and the successful figure in world consumer heart are modelled, it is the base that gains progress ceaselessly.

3, the brand is animated, individualize, deep affection can be built between good brand and consumer. The daily experience that the brand must consider to consumer is used and accept a brand, experience, idea, manner and psychological demand.

4, establishing a brand is the individual character that creates a kind of extraordinary actually. Of Coke Cola brand possessory think all the time: "Our successful reason is creating the friendly atmosphere that go out at us, consumer is to want to be an organic whole with Coke Cola be in harmony actually. " brand, it is a kind of affection is in in recent years in brand transmission process, coke Cola from beginning to end around move what this brand builds is basic cover a region, operate from a strategically advantageous position, abiding by reason strictly " affection " in fundamental process, put forward constructively ceaselessly a few common, common but of heart of more and more thorough person a few " affection drive symbol " , be like: "Want bright by oneself " the enthusiasm that expresses opposite work, " the Spring Festival takes me to come home " expressive family happiness, "Without a kind the feeling equals come home " close affection of expression is called etc.

5, the company culture of Mcdonald's company culture?

It is the happy culture of type of a kind of family. Somebody comments on Mcdonald's to perform new culture imperialism in China, emphasize the effect of its joy culture, say the state that has Mcdonald's won't enter a battle even.

Level runs no matter between the colleague of Mcdonald's name of the other side of each other appellation, everybody feels very relaxed together, resemble a family.

Employee makes a mistake on the job irrespective, wanting you only is not the concerned policy that violates a company badly and regulation, mcdonald's won't discharge you.

The person depends on using, everybody has advantage, mcdonald's advocates pair of people to should be praised all the time at numerous, share experience and advocating is not high pressure.

Mcdonald's is not to rely on to personnel flows and basically rely on to groom the development that will solve employee and raise a question, the company grooms every year only charge amounts to many yuan 1000.

Employee enters Mcdonald's, family says they changed, work more systimatic more amiable.

6, remote antiquity Coke Cola and Coke Cola distinction?

Distinction is a brand different

Two kinds of coke taste euqally

In southern market, at present the collaboration of Coke Cola basically just is remote antiquity group, remote antiquity group and in food group is on the collaboration with Coke Cola more resembling is cent of north and south is treated. Originally Shanghai area basically is expected by Shanghai Shen Meiyin food limited company undertakes cooperative, but at present Shen Mei has merged into remote antiquity, so present goluptious in Chinese churchyard, it is medium actually two companies are in grain and remote antiquity operation.

At present in grain the territory of Coke Cola is older, basically enclothe Beijing, Tianjin, Heibei, Shandong, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, inside unconscious, Gansu Province, Ningxia, Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang, Hunan, Guizhou, 19 markets, took the throughout the country the area of 81% .

7, why does Coke Cola call Coke Cola?

Although a lot of different about " Coke Cola " the fokelore of this name, actually " Coke Cola " English name is You Pengbai pauses accountant Robin abdicate names the assistant at that time and partner.

He himself is a classic calligrapher, he thinks " word of two great C will be very nice " , because this was used " Coca-Cola " , "Coca " it is the flavor that cacao leaf promotes practice, "Cola " it is the component that takes out in cocoa fruit. " Coke Cola " brand has no a change more than 100 years all the time " Coke Cola " the origin of Chinese name " Coke Cola " this name, all the time since the name that translates best on world be thinkinged, already " goluptious " also " coke " , not only the tone that maintains English, more interesting than English. So this Chinese name is by a Shanghai the scholar is made up come out. " Coke Cola " in " era already was produced in Shanghai 1920 but without official Chinese name, then at that time " Coke Cola " of technical responsible and overseas business " Coke Cola " export company, seek translated term in the newspaper in England.

8, the distinction of Coke Cola soda water and Coke Cola?

It is soda water, should the distinction with great never mind. One is used plastic and bottled, one uses iron sheet bottled, likelihood iron sheet is bottled good drink a dot, easy and refrigerant, it is good to passed gift with aspic because of coke drink, other is an alien, myself prefers those who drink aspic to pass, answer to be able to feel to have quite in that way, had tasted, you thought, that's all right affirms if distinguishing. Pack namely different

9, the distinction of Coke Cola China and Coke Cola?

Same an old, each area agent, cooperative win-win, taste?

About the same, oneself love to drink coke, essentially similar.

10, entrance Coke Cola and distinction of homebred Coke Cola?

The difference of the Coke Cola of the entrance and homebred Coke Cola depends on mouthfeel going up and color and bag mount can have a few differences. The Coke Cola of the entrance includes a few place of production, have Japan among them, the Coke Cola that area of Thailand and other places produces. The coke mouthfeel of the Coke Cola of the entrance more dense. And the mouthfeel of homebred Coke Cola, undertook what measure certainly improve, more delicate and goluptious.

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