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震惊! 美国一800磅重的锤子都有人偷!(英语双语阅读)


震惊! 美国一800磅重的锤子都有人偷!(英语双语阅读)

Authorities in Northern California are looking for a hammer. A really, really big one. 北加州当局正在寻找一把锤子。一把非常非常大的锤子。 The Santa Rosa Press-Democrat says police in Healdsburg in California's wine country are looking for an enormous artwork that vanished over the weekend. 《圣罗莎民主党人报》称,加州葡萄酒之乡希尔兹堡的警方,目前正在寻找周末消失的一件巨大艺术品。 The artwork was an 800-pound ball-peen hammer made of metal with a long redwood handle. The hammer measures 21 feet long and the head is 6 feet tall. 这件艺术品是一把重达800磅的圆头金属锤子,锤柄由红木所制。锤子长21英尺,锤头高6英尺。

The piece, valued at $15,000, was loaned by an artist about a year ago to the Healdsburg Community Center. 这件作品价值1.5万美元,是希尔兹堡社区中心在大约一年前从一位艺术家那里借来的。 The artist, Doug Unkrey, says it would have required about eight people or a flatbed trailer with a winch to carry off his work. 这位名叫道格·昂克里的艺术家表示,要弄走他的这件作品,大概需要八个人或一辆带绞车的平板拖车。 It vanished from the lawn sometime Friday night or Saturday morning. 周五晚上或周六早上的某个时候,这个锤子从草坪上消失了。

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