1, paddle one's own canoe: This kind of female has very intense own consciousness normally, like to think independently and act. They do not count another person, can solve a problem independently, do not need to often explore help or proposal to other.
2, indrawn and dark: The female that act independently often introvert, be good at or be willing to communicate too much with other not quite not quite. They prefer to think alone, explore inner world, enjoy be in alone those who bring is halcyon with freedom.
3, ego drive: They have very tall ego driving force, can be him set target, come true hard. They know very well what they want, can pay hard for it.
4, hold to a principle: This kind of female is having sturdy viewpoint of value and principle normally, get not easily the influence of the outside or temptation. They have specific level to oneself and other, maintain these levels hard.
5, gritty: The disposition that act independently often means them to be in when facing difficulty and challenge, can keep one's hair on and sturdy, won't abandon easily. They have powerful will, can overcome difficulty, achieve oneself goal.