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1. 选择一个主题或事件,例如校园生活、班级活动、老师的教导等;

2. 回忆细节和感受,可以运用五官感官等多种方法激发记忆;

3. 组织文章结构,包括引入、正文和结尾三部分;

4. 使用简单的英语词汇和语法表达,适当使用句子变换和连接词使文章更加连贯。


When I think back to my primary school days, one of my favorite memories is the sports day. On that day, all the students and teachers gathered on the field, and there were many different games and races for us to participate in. I remember feeling very excited and nervous at the same time, and I trained hard for weeks beforehand.

During the games, my classmates and I cheered each other on and had a lot of fun. I even won first place in the long jump event, which was a big surprise for me. I felt so proud of myself and couldn't stop smiling.

Looking back on that day, I realize that it wasn't just about winning or losing, but about the joy of participating and being part of a team. It's a memory that I will always cherish.




小学英语作文:海南的回忆 Memory in Hainan

Hainan is a beautiful place. I lived there for a summer holiday. There is lots of clean water. More specific, most of them are blue sea water. And there are many green plants. The air is very fresh. I think maybe it is because of the water and plants. The weather is very hot. But I don't hate, because I can go swimming every day. When I come back to my hometown, I am not allowed to do this. Hainan is also a travel city. I feel proud when I see many people come here for a visit, because I can visit those places every day. My memory in Hainan is very good.译文:海南是个美丽的地方。我曾经在那儿住了一个暑假。那里有大量干净的水。具体来说大部分都是蓝蓝的海水。绿色植物许多。空气也很新鲜。我觉得也许是因为水和 植物的原因空气才那么新鲜。天气很热。但是我不讨厌,因为我可以每天去游泳。当我回到家乡后,我就再也不允许这样做了。海南是一个旅游城市。没当我看到很 多人来这里参观的时候我都感到很骄傲,因为我每天都可以去那些地方。我在海南的回忆是很美好的。        

小学英语作文:痛苦的回忆 The Painful Memory

Everytime when vacation comes,I will be very happy,because I don't have to study and can play all the time.But I always forget about the homework,I will do it until last minute.It is very painful for me,I am so tired and want to sleep,but I can't,I must finish my homework.I need to finish my homework earlier next time.


小学英语作文·珍贵的回忆 The Precious Memory

My uncle invites our family to visit him at this weekend. I am so excited, because we will spend the time in the lake house. I will play with my cousins so happily. We haven't seen each other for a while. My uncle and my parents will share the daily things, enjoying the leisure time. This weekend will be the precious memory in my heart.



Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.

But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn't my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don't cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.




1. 培养阅读习惯:多读英语故事书、英文报纸、杂志等,可以丰富你的词汇量。

2. 多背单词:可以通过背单词APP或者背单词卡片等方式进行背诵,每天坚持一点点,积少成多。

3. 记录生词:在写作时遇到不认识的单词,可以记录下来并查字典或请教老师,逐渐掌握这些生词的用法。

4. 学会使用同义词和近义词:有些单词可能很难记住,但是可以学会使用它们的同义词或近义词,以达到同样的表达效果。

5. 练习写作:多写英语作文,不断锻炼自己的语言表达能力,逐渐提高词汇量。

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