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小学英语作文:六一节目 Program for Children's Day

Our school will have a performance at the night of children's day. And several classmates and I are going to perform a fairy tale------Snow White. I will perform the role snow white. I will wait for my prince to kiss me to wake me up. Then we will have a happy life. Although we have practice many times, I still feel nervous. But I believe in myself, and I also believe in my classmates. Wait for our wonderful performance!


小学英语作文:六一晚会 A Party for Children's Day

Today is the International Children's Day. My school held a party for students. All classes took part in this show. Students prepared for it from month ago. The show was very wonderful. Some students sang songs, and some danced. Besides, there are some students performed painting and the piano. The audiences enjoyed the show happily. In the end, our president made a speech. He spoke highly of this show and our students. He wished us a happy Children's Day.


小学英语作文:六一节目  Program for Children's Day

Our school will have a performance at the night of children's day. And several classmates and I are going to perform a fairy tale——Snow White.


I will perform the role snow white. I will wait for my prince to kiss me to wake me up. Then we will have a happy life.


Although we have practice many times, I still feel nervous. But I believe in myself, and I also believe in my classmates. Wait for our wonderful performance!


小学英语作文范文:六一儿童节 Children's Day

Today is Children‘s Day. Early in the morning, I feel so excited, because I know the teachers have prepared some surprised for us. We don't have class and all we do is to enjoy the games. I play Ping Pong game and win many awards. I like the riddle so much. When I get the answer, I feel so proud of myself.


小学英语作文:我的儿童节表演 My Performance on Children's Day

Children's Day is coming soon, I am so excited, because I will have a performance on that day. Last week, my teacher decided to make up a dance group in our class, she wanted us to dance. We are so happy and practice every day. Now we can dance well, on Children's Day, we will present our best performance. I am so looking forward to it.  


小学英语作文:儿童节的英语作文 Children's Day

The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.

I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school.

What a unforgettable Children's Day!





小学英语作文:儿童节 Children's Day

Last Children's day, I had lots of fun. I played my two favorite games. The first game that I played was word guessing. The other one I played was a kind of race, but I don't know what that race is called. I won two prizes, one is a puzzle, and one is a bouncy ball.


After playing all those fun games, I made paper stars. We had lunch and a nap.After nap time, we had a birthday party. We ate a birthday cake, fruits ,orange juice, chips, ice-cream, candies ,cookies, and lots of food. It was a really fun day.


At dinner time, I ate my favorite kind of noodles. After dinner time, we all watched lot of shows. My favorite show is the magic show, because the magician broke the banana and everyone laughed.


It was the best Children's Day I had at school. I wonder what I will do for next Children's Day. I hope to have lots of fun.


六一儿童节的来历 英文版六一儿童节起源介绍

六一儿童节的来历 英文版六一儿童节起源介绍:
 The ICD had itsorigin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva,Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the ICD:one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA)gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year, and also coincided with theconference in Geneva.

June 1 has sincebeen observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communistcountries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days ofthe year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about thesecelebrations. (See the section on Germany below for furtherdiscussions.) Consequently there is sometimes a misperception that June 1 asthe ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even somegroups within the United States started observing the ICD on June 1.




在此以前,世界上的许多国家就有儿童节。1925年,国际儿童幸福促进会倡议建立儿童纪念日,英国、美国、日本等国积极响应,先后建立了自己国家的儿童节,英国规定每年的7月14日为儿童节,美国规定5月1日为儿童节。日本的儿童节很特殊,分男女儿童节,男儿童节5月5日、女儿童节3月3日。我国在 1931年也曾经规定4月4日为中国儿童节。




The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland proclaimed June 1 to be International Children's Day in1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the International Children's Day: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, which happened to be on June 1 that year.


The holiday is celebrated on 1 June each year. It is usually marked with speeches on children's rights and wellbeing, children TV programs, parties, various actions involving or dedicated to children, families going out, etc.

