1. **大明湖**: 位于济南市区中心,是一处古代人工修建的大型湖泊,景色优美,是济南的标志性景点之一。
2. **千佛山**: 位于济南市南部,是一座古老的佛教圣地,山上有很多古代石刻佛像,非常壮观。
3. **泉城广场**: 是济南市的中心广场,周围有许多著名的建筑和雕塑,是游客休闲漫步的好去处。
4. **趵突泉**: 是济南的三大名泉之一,水势雄伟,被誉为“泉城”的象征。
5. **五龙潭**: 位于市中心,是济南最大的城市公园之一,有美丽的湖泊和宽阔的草坪。
6. **黑虎泉**: 也是泉城的一部分,有着悠久的历史,是济南的重要景点之一。
7. **曲水亭街**: 是济南的历史文化街区之一,保存了大量的古建筑和传统文化。
8. **红叶谷**: 位于济南郊区,是一处赏秋景色的好去处,尤其是在秋季时,红叶满山,非常漂亮。
Jinan is a town that fills historical culture details, have a lot of famous travel tourist attractions. It is a few places that you can consider to look around below:
1.** is big bright lake ** : Be located in center of Jinan urban district, it is one place what ancient time builds artificially is large and laky, the scenery is beautiful, it is one of mark sex tourist attractions of Jinan.
2.1000 Fosan of ** ** : Be located in Jinan town south, it is an old Buddhist sacred place, there is carved stone of a lot of ancient times on hill figure of Buddha, very grand.
3.** of square of ** spring town: It is the central square of Jinan city, there are a lot of well-known buildings and sculpture all round, it is a tourist the good place of recreational ramble.
4.** Bao dash forward fontal ** : It is one of 3 names springs of Jinan, the flow of water is grand, be known as " fontal city " indicative.
5.** 5 Long Tan ** : Be located in downtown, it is one of urban parks with the biggest Jinan, those who have beauty is laky the lawn with expanse.
6.** Hei Huquan ** : Also be the one part of fontal city, having long history, it is one of main tourist attractions of Jinan.
7.** of street of booth of ** music water: It is one of historical culture block of Jinan, saved many ancient building and traditional culture.
8.** of cereal of ** red autumnal leaves: Be located in Jinan suburb, it is the good place that one place enjoys autumnal scenery quality, it is especially when autumn, full hill of red autumnal leaves, very beautiful.
These are Jinan only the one part in numerous tourist attraction, hope you can find the travel destination that suits your!