1. 蔬菜沙拉:用各种新鲜的蔬菜制作沙拉,可以增加饱腹感,但又不会摄入过多的热量。
2. 清淡的蛋白质:如鸡胸肉、鱼类或豆类制品,它们提供了饱腹感但热量相对较低。
3. 蔬菜汤:低热量的蔬菜汤是晚餐的好选择,不但可以提供饱腹感,还能摄入丰富的营养。
4. 水果:一些水果,如苹果、橙子、草莓等,是健康的晚间零食选择,能够满足甜食的需求,又不会摄入过多的热量。
Want to reduce weight in the evening, can choose a few lightsome but the food that has full abdomen feeling again. The choice of a few health includes:
1.Vegetable salad: Make salad with all sorts of fresh vegetable, can add full abdomen touch, but won't absorb overmuch quantity of heat again.
2.Delicate protein: Be like pigeon breast flesh, fish or legume goods, they offerred full abdomen to feel but quantity of heat is relatively inferior.
3.Vegetable soup: Soup of low caloric vegetable is the good choice of dinner, not only can offer full abdomen sense, still can absorb rich nutrition.
4.Fruit: A few fruits, wait like apple, orange, strawberry, it is healthy evening snacks choice, can satisfy the requirement of sweetmeat, won't absorb overmuch quantity of heat again.
Avoid high fever as far as possible quantity, tall adipose the food that distributes with high in syrup, and amylaceous kind of food (wait like side of biscuit, rice, meaning) , it is especially when dinner. The food that control appetite and chooses health is the key in process reducing weight. In the meantime, dinner hind avoids to sleep instantly, let the body time digests food.