1. 吉祥草:如福禄草、吉祥草等,象征着好运和幸福。
2. 金银花:象征着财富和繁荣。
3. 紫藤:寓意着家庭团聚和美好生活。
4. 花簇:象征着团圆和幸福。
5. 一品红:寓意着事业有成和兴旺发达。
The doorway cultivates a few indicative auspicious auspicious prosperous flowers and plants can increase movement power, for instance:
1.Lucky grass: Wait like Fu Lucao, lucky grass, symbolic move is lucky with happiness.
2.Honeysuckle: Indicative fortune and prosperity.
3.Wistaria: The implied meaning is worn the family reunites and happiness lives.
4.Hua Cu: Indicative reunion and happiness.
5.Poinsettia: The implied meaning is worn the career has and healthy.