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  • 酵母是一种单细胞真菌,广泛存在于自然界中,可以分为酿酒酵母、面包酵母和工业酵母等多种类型。酵母可以用于发酵,制作面包、啤酒、葡萄酒等食品和饮料。此外,酵母还被广泛用于生物技术领域,如制药、基因工程等。


    • Yeast - 酵母
    • Fermentation - 发酵
    • Bread dough - 面团
    • Brewery - 酿酒厂
    • Wine cellar - 酒窖
    • Biotechnology - 生物技术
    • Genetic engineering - 基因工程
    • Baking - 烘焙
    • Microorganism - 微生物
    • Enzyme - 酶


    A: What are you making in the kitchen? 你在厨房做什么呢? B: I'm baking bread. It's the first time I'm using yeast, so I hope it turns out well. 我正在烤面包。这是我第一次使用酵母,希望能成功。 A: Oh, yeast is great for making bread. It helps the dough rise and gives it a nice texture. 哦,酵母制作面包很棒。它可以帮助面团发酵,使其具有良好的口感。 B: That's good to know. I'm excited to see how it turns out. 那太好了。我很期待看到成品。


    作文: Yeast is a type of single-celled fungus that plays an important role in many industries. In the food and beverage industry, yeast is used for fermentation to create products such as bread, beer, and wine. The process of fermentation involves the conversion of sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide, which causes the dough or liquid to rise. Yeast is also used in biotechnology and genetic engineering to produce enzymes and other products for various applications. Overall, yeast is a versatile microorganism that has a wide range of uses in different fields.

