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1. 鱼:鱼在中国文化中象征着年年有余,因此在过年时吃鱼被认为能够带来财运和吉祥。
2. 年糕:因为其名称与“年年高升”谐音,所以吃年糕也被认为能够吸引好运和财富。
3. 粘米饭:象征着家庭团圆和财富富足。
4. 红色食物:红色在中国文化中代表着喜庆和吉祥,因此吃一些红色的食物也被认为能够带来好运。



In Chinese culture, what dragon is regarded as auspicious sign and money is indicative, because this is in dragon year eat what meal with flourishing money this one view also is to result from this kind of symbolic significance. Generally speaking, in dragon year eat a few be thought to be able to be brought to oneself with lucky and fortune, relevant food lucky with fortune. The food with common wh some of which includes:

1.Fish: The fish is symbolizing in Chinese culture annual and superabundant, because this has a fish when spend the New Year,be thought to be able to bring money carry He Jixiang.
2.New Year cake: Because of its name and " rise year after year " homophonic, eat New Year cake to also be thought to be able to be attracted so lucky with fortune.
3.Stick rice: Indicative domestic reunion and money are abundant.
4.Red food: Red is representing festival He Jixiang in Chinese culture, because this eats the food of a few red,also be thought to be able to be brought lucky.

As a whole, choose these and the food related lucky, fortune to serve as dragon year meal, it is a kind of tradition is mixed consuetudinary, representing the happiness to future to wish.
