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1. **放置财神像**:在蓝猫附近放置财神像,以增加财运。

2. **摆放金元宝**:在蓝猫周围摆放金元宝或金币,象征着财富的积累。

3. **红色装饰**:用红色的装饰品来装饰蓝猫的生活空间,因为在中国传统文化中,红色象征着吉祥和财富。

4. **清洁与整理**:保持蓝猫的生活环境清洁整洁,让正能量流畅,吸引财富的到来。

5. **定期喂食与照顾**:照顾好蓝猫的生活需求,使其健康快乐,这种正能量也会反过来吸引财运。



In Chinese culture, blue cat is considered as to enrol money to enter one of mascot of treasure normally. If you want to let blue cat bring more money luck, can try the following method:

1.** places money God ** : Money God is placed around blue cat, in order to increase money use.

2.** puts ** of gold dollar treasure: In gold dollar treasure or gold coin are put all round blue cat, of indicative fortune accumulate.

3.** red decorates ** : Will decorate the life space of blue cat with gules adornment, because be in Chinese traditional culture, gules and indicative auspicious is auspicious fortune.

4.** cleanness and arrange ** : The surroundings cleanness that maintains blue cat is neat, let energy is fluent, attract the arrival of fortune.

5.** feeds regularly feed with take care of ** : Had taken care of the life demand of blue cat, make its healthy and happy, this kind energy also can attract money carry conversely.

These are the ideas of civilian tradition, although do not have scientific evidence to prove they can bring money luck, but a lot of people believe these practices can increase lucky.
