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1. **福字或财神像:** 放置福字或者代表财富的财神像可以象征着带来好运和财富。

2. **橙子或柑橘:** 橙子和柑橘在中国文化中象征着好运和财富,因此放置一些新鲜的橙子或柑橘也是一个常见的选择。

3. **盆栽或鲜花:** 盆栽和鲜花能够增添生气和活力,同时也被认为能够吸引好运。

4. **红色装饰物品:** 红色在中国文化中被视为吉祥和喜庆的颜色,因此在大门后放置一些红色的装饰物品也是一种常见的选择。



What article is placed when spend the New Year can most flourishing is geomantic, this has a lot of different belief and tradition. According to China geomantic learned a few point of views, some people can choose to place the article that become reconciled of a few indicative fortune carries after the gate, for instance:

1.** blessing word or mammon resemble: OK and symbolic move brings the money God that ** places blessing word to perhaps represent money lucky with fortune.

2.** orange or orange: ** orange and orange are symbolizing in Chinese culture lucky with fortune, because this places a few fresh orange or orange,also be a common choice.

3.** potted or flower: ** is potted can add life and vigor with the flower, also be thought to be able to be attracted at the same time lucky.

4.** red decorates article: ** red is regarded as the color with auspicious and festival auspicious in Chinese culture, because this places the ornamental of a few red after the gate,be being tasted also is a kind of common choice.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic idea because of district, culture and individual belief different, so the choice places what article or should decide according to the individual's be fond of and belief.
