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1. **财星位置**:在八字中,财星的位置和组合可以显示一个人的财富状况。如果财星处于旺相(喜用神旺相),可能表示财运较佳。

2. **财运宫位**:八字中的财运宫位也很重要。例如,命盘中财运宫位于命主的官禄宫、印绶宫或伤官宫可能会带来财富。

3. **喜用神**:八字中的喜用神可以帮助命主实现目标和愿望,从而促进财富的积累。

4. **五行平衡**:五行相生相克的理论也适用于命理学中。如果命盘中五行之间平衡,可能有助于财运的发展。

5. **官禄贵格**:如果命盘中有官禄贵格,可能会有利于财运。这种格局通常表示命主有权力和财富。



Life dish medium money carries normally with the life advocate birthday character 8 (give birthday period, time, place) relevant couplet. In life a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, a few elements may affect one the individual's money to carry, include the following:

1.** of position of ** money star: In character 8, the position of money star and combination can show the fortune state of a person. If money star is in flourishing photograph (be fond of photograph of the flourishing that use an expression) , the likelihood states money carries relatively beautiful.

2.Palace of ** money carry ** : The money carry palace in character 8 very important also. For example, life dish in money carry palace is located in a life advocate Guan Lu palace, Yin Shou palace or injury official palace may bring money.

3.** is fond of the ** that use an expression: The happy event in character 8 can help a lot with the god advocate implementation target and desire, advance money thereby accumulate.

4.** the five elements balances ** : The theory of mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements of the five elements also applies to life a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties in. If life dish in balance between the five elements,

5.** of ** Guan Lugui case: If life dish in Lu Guige having an official, may be helpful for money carry. This kind of situation represents an order normally advocate have influence and money.

As a whole, the money carry of a person depends on not just single factor, get however the influence of a variety of elements. Most the life of flourishing money dish it is integrated normally above element, and coordinate a balance each other. The proposal seeks advice from division of professional lot put in order, the lot with specific basis dish the case will analyse money carry.
