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1. **鼠(子):** 属水,宜选紫色或蓝色的花卉,如紫罗兰、风信子等。
2. **牛(丑):** 属土,适合选取黄色或棕色的花卉,如向日葵、菊花等。
3. **虎(寅):** 属木,适合选择绿色的花卉,如绿萝、绿色的兰花等。
4. **兔(卯):** 属木,同样适合选择绿色的花卉,如绿叶植物、绿色的花卉等。
5. **龙(辰):** 属木,也适合选择绿色的花卉,如仙人掌、多肉植物等。
6. **蛇(巳):** 属火,宜选红色或橙色的花卉,如玫瑰、火龙果花等。
7. **马(午):** 属火,同样适合选择红色或橙色的花卉,如郁金香、橙色的康乃馨等。
8. **羊(未):** 属土,适合选取黄色或棕色的花卉,如金银花、向日葵等。
9. **猴(申):** 属金,适合选择白色或金色的花卉,如百合、金银花等。
10. **鸡(酉):** 属金,同样适合选择白色或金色的花卉,如白色玫瑰、向日葵等。
11. **狗(戌):** 属土,适合选取黄色或棕色的花卉,如金银花、向日葵等。
12. **猪(亥):** 属水,宜选紫色或蓝色的花卉,如蓝色的紫罗兰、风信子等。



In Chinese traditional culture, different any of the twelve animals is being represented those who differ is idiosyncratic with movement power. If you want to know to buy a flower to increase movement power according to the any of the twelve animals, generally speaking, can choose painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style according to the attribute of the five elements of the any of the twelve animals and lucky colour.

1.** rat (child) : ** belongs to water, appropriate chooses the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of purple or blue, wait like violet, hyacinth.
2.** ox (ugly) : ** belongs to earth, suit to choose yellow or brown painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like helianthus, chrysanthemum.
3.** tiger (the third of the twelve Earthly Branches) : ** belongs to wood, suit to choose green painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, the orchid that is like green trailing plants, green.
4.** hare (the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches) : ** belongs to wood, suit to choose green painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style likewise, the flowers that is like greenery plant, green.
5.** dragon (celestial bodies) : ** belongs to wood, also suit to choose green painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like cactus, meaty plant.
6.** snake (Si) : ** belongs to fire, appropriate chooses the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of red or orange, if fruit of rose, firedrake is spent,wait.
7.** horse (midday) : ** belongs to fire, suit to choose the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of red or orange likewise, the carnation that is like tulip, orange.
8.** sheep (not) : ** belongs to earth, suit to choose yellow or brown painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like honeysuckle, helianthus.
9.** monkey (explain) : ** belongs to gold, suit to choose white or aureate painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like lily, honeysuckle.
10.** chicken (the tenth of the twelve Earthly Branches) : ** belongs to gold, suit to choose white or aureate painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style likewise, wait like white rose, helianthus.
11.** dog (Qu) : ** belongs to earth, suit to choose yellow or brown painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style, wait like honeysuckle, helianthus.
12.** pig (the last of the twelve Earthly Branches) : ** belongs to water, appropriate chooses the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of purple or blue, the violet that is like blue, hyacinth.

Of course, this is a kind of reference only, when choosing painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style OK also will choose according to the beautiful words of oneself be fond of and flowers.
