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1. **白色**:白色与黄色搭配,会给人清新、明亮的感觉,适合夏季或春季穿着,尤其适合白色裤子或裙子搭配黄色上衣。

2. **黑色**:与黑色搭配,会显得黄色更加突出和鲜艳,适合在晚上或正式场合穿着。

3. **蓝色**:蓝色是与黄色形成鲜明对比的颜色,搭配起来既清新又动感,适合日常休闲或户外活动。

4. **绿色**:黄色和绿色搭配,给人一种活力与生机的感觉,适合春季或夏季的户外活动。

5. **粉色**:粉色与黄色搭配,会显得甜美可爱,适合少女或温柔风格的穿搭。

6. **紫色**:黄色与紫色搭配,营造出奢华感和独特感,适合一些正式场合或特殊活动。



Maize dress can match with a variety of color, specific depend on the result that you want and circumstance. It is a few common tie-in proposals below:

1.** white ** : White and yellow are tie-in, can give a person pure and fresh, bright sense, suit the summer or spring apparel, suit white trousers or jacket of skirt collocation yellow especially.

2.** black ** : As tie-in as black, can appear yellow is more outstanding and bright-coloured, suit in the late evening or formal circumstance dress.

3.** blue ** : Blue is the color that forms bright contrast with yellow, collocation rises already pure and fresh move again feeling, suit daily and recreational or outdoors activity.

4.** green ** : Yellow and green are tie-in, give a person the sense of a kind of vigor and opportunity of survival, suit the outdoors activity of spring or summer.

5.** pink ** : Pink and yellow are tie-in, can appear melting and lovely, suit girl or tender style wear build.

6.** purple ** : Yellow and purple are tie-in, build a costly move and distinctive feeling, suit a few formal circumstances or special activity.

As a whole, yellow is a kind of very lively, bright color, collocation rises the style that can try to differ and effect, the key is to want to choose appropriate collocation according to individual be fond of and circumstance.
