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1. **打扫干净**: 在春节来临之际,彻底清洁家中的一切,扫除旧年的陈旧和不吉利的东西,以迎接新的一年的到来,这被认为能够清除厄运,为财运打开空间。

2. **贴春联**: 在门上贴春联,是春节的传统习俗之一。春联常常写有吉祥话语,希望新的一年里家人平安、幸福、财运亨通。

3. **做年夜饭**: 年夜饭是春节的重要传统之一,家人团聚共享美食,象征着家庭团圆和丰收。选择一些象征财富和吉祥的食物,如鱼(年年有余)、汤圆(团圆)、富贵竹笋等,也是常见的做法。

4. **燃放爆竹和焰火**: 在一些地方,人们会在除夕夜燃放爆竹和焰火,以驱赶邪灵,迎接新年的到来。传统上认为,爆竹声能够驱邪避祸,焰火能够驱逐霉气,带来好运。

5. **拜祭祖先**: 在春节期间,拜祭祖先是一种传统习俗。人们会祭拜祖先,向他们祈求祝福,希望祖先保佑家人平安健康、财运亨通。



The Spring Festival is a main traditional festival, a lot of people think to be able to bring the activity that money carries. It is a few common practices below:

1.** cleans clean ** : When the Spring Festival comes, everything in thoroughly clean home, broom is old year stale and ominous thing, in order to salute advent of a new year, this is thought to be able to keep clear of adversity, the carry that it is money opens a space.

2.** sticks ** of spring festival scrolls: Spring festival scrolls is stuck on the door, the tradition that is the Spring Festival is consuetudinary one of. Spring festival scrolls often is written have lucky speech, the family in a the hope is new year be prosperous of carry of restful, happy, money.

3.** does ** of meal of the eve of the lunar New Year: Meal of the eve of the lunar New Year is one of important traditions of the Spring Festival, family reunites share cate, indicative domestic reunion and bumper harvest. Choose a few indicative fortune and lucky food, be like a fish (annual and superabundant) , stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup (reunion) , bamboo shoot of riches and honour, also be common practice.

4.** sets off cracker and fireworks ** : Be in a few places, people can set off cracker and fireworks in night of the New Year's Eve, in order to drive unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease is clever, salute the advent of New Year. Think on the tradition, enough exorcise of cracker sound energy avoids disaster, fireworks can drive out mildew is angry, bring lucky.

5.** does obeisance to ** of ancestor of hold a memorial ceremony for: During the Spring Festival, the ancestor that do obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for is a kind of tradition consuetudinary. People is met hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an ancestor, petition to them blessing,

Above the Spring Festival that these practices are a tradition is consuetudinary, people believes to be able to be brought through these activities lucky with fortune.
