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1. **瑞兽图案**:瑞兽如龙、凤、龟、麒麟等被认为是吉祥物,挂上这些图案有助于带来好运和祥和。

2. **山水画**:山水画在中国传统文化中一直是很受欢迎的艺术形式,它们象征着和谐、稳定和富足。

3. **富贵花鸟画**:画有富贵鸟类如鹤、鸳鸯等和富贵花卉如牡丹、梅花等的画作也常挂在门口,寓意着富贵吉祥。

4. **福字或吉祥物图案**:挂上写有“福”字或其他吉祥物图案的作品,能够带来好运和幸福。

5. **家族图腾或家训**:如果你有家族图腾或家训,也可以将其制成画作挂在门口,以表明家族的荣耀和传承。



In China culture, the adornment of appearance and decorate in geomantic it is very important to in learning, be regarded as. If you want to make front door geomantic flourishing, you can consider the following kinds of pictures to make:

1.** of design of ** luck animal: Lucky animal if dragon, phoenix, the mascot be consideringed as such as chelonian, kylin, hang these design to conduce to bring lucky and auspicious.

2.** landscape painting ** : The landscape painting is very popular artistic form all the time in Chinese traditional culture, they are indicative harmony, stability and abundant.

3.Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of ** riches and honour draws ** : The picture has riches and honor avian wait like crane, an affectionate couple and the picture that waits like peony, wintersweet makes flowers of riches and honour often also be hanged in the doorway,

4.** blessing word or mascot design ** : Hang write have " blessing " the work of word or other mascot design, can bring lucky with happiness.

5.** familial totem or domestic model ** : If you have familial totem or domestic standard, also can make its the picture make hang in the doorway, in order to make clear familial honor and inheritance.

No matter you choose which kinds of picture to make, should ensure its color is bright, the implied meaning is lucky, and as suitable as integral adornment style, such ability have the effect that carries to flourishing money flourishing truly.
