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1. **财位:** 传统上认为,在房屋中的东南方位是财位,因此放置钱财或财物在这个方位可以招财。不过,这个观念并不适用于每个人,因为每个人的生辰八字和房屋结构可能不同,因此最好根据个人的情况进行调整。

2. **水池或水流:** 水是风水学中非常重要的元素之一,被认为可以吸引财气。因此,在房屋内摆放一个小的水池或者是在门口放置流水的装饰物都被认为可以带来财运。

3. **收纳柜:** 有一种说法是,在家里的财位放置一个收纳柜,里面放有整齐排列的财物,可以聚财纳福。

4. **高处:** 一些人认为,将钱财放置在屋子的高处,比如高架的架子上或者是柜子的顶部,可以让财运“上升”。



In Chinese tradition geomantic in learning, have a few ideas about placing money, think to be able to bring money luck. It is a few common point of views below:

1.** money: Think on ** tradition, the southeast azimuth in the building is money, because this places gold or property,money can be enrolled in this azimuth. Nevertheless, this idea does not apply to everybody, because the birthday character 8 of everybody and building construction are likely different, because this is best,undertake adjustment according to the individual's circumstance.

2.** cistern or current: ** water is geomantic one of very important elements in learning, be thought to be able to draw wealth vital energy. Accordingly, the ornamental that puts a small pool to perhaps place running water in the doorway inside the building is thought to be able to bring money luck.

3.** receives ark: ** has a kind of view is, the money in the home place to receive ark, put inside have orderly permutation belongings, can get together money enjoy a life of comfort.

4.** altitude: A few people of ** think, set money the high in the house, for instance overhead frame go up or the coping of the cabinet, can let money carry " rise " .

Those who need an attention is, these intentions do not confirm scientificly, because this chooses to whether believe or adopt these methods, depend on the individual's belief and preference.
