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1. **金银饰品**:金银饰品象征着财富和好运,选择一件精美的项链、手链或耳环可能会增加她的财运。

2. **翡翠**:在中国文化中,翡翠被认为是吸引财富和好运的宝石,可以考虑送她一件精美的翡翠饰品。

3. **招财猫**:招财猫是中国文化中的象征,相信能够吸引财运,选择一个可爱的招财猫摆件或者饰品可能会增加她的幸运气息。

4. **幸运植物**:送她一盆绿色植物或者盆景,如吉祥竹、幸运树等,这些植物被认为能够带来好运和财富。

5. **红色饰品**:红色在中国文化中象征着喜庆和好运,选择一件红色的饰品可能会增加她的财运气息。



Give sb a present can consider the following option with promoting the girl's money use:

1.** bullion acts the role of taste ** : Bullion act the role ofing tastes indicative fortune become reconciled to carry, choose catenary of an elegant necklace, hand or dangler to may increase her money use.

2.** halcyon ** : In Chinese culture, halcyon is considered as to attract fortune and lucky gem, can consider to send her an elegant halcyon adorn article.

3.** enrols money cat ** : The cat that enrol money is Chinese culture symbolize mediumly, believe to be able to attract money carry, choose a lovely cat that enrol money to place perhaps act the role of taste the lucky flavor that may add her.

4.** of ** lucky plant: Send her a greenery or miniascape, wait like lucky bamboo, lucky tree, these plants are thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

5.** red acts the role of taste ** : Red is indicative in Chinese culture festival become reconciled carries, choose to be acted the role of gulesly taste the money lot that may raise her to cease.

No matter you choose what gift, the key is to taking sincerity and blessing.
