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1. 热带观赏植物:比如热带花卉,如鸭脚木、鸡冠花、凤凰木等,它们都需要充足的阳光和适度的湿度。

2. 盆栽绿植:像仙人掌、龟背竹、吊兰等,这些植物对阳光要求不是很高,但也需要一定的光照才能生长茁壮。

3. 香草类植物:比如薄荷、迷迭香、香茅等,它们对阳光充足的环境适应良好,可以在阳台上进行种植并供应新鲜的香草给厨房使用。

4. 热带水果植物:如柑橘类植物(柑橘、柠檬等),它们需要充足的阳光来生长和结果。

5. 蔬菜类植物:如番茄、辣椒等,它们也需要足够的阳光来生长和结果。



Big talk is located in intertropical climate area of China, sunny, climate warmth, suit to grow a lot of tropics and semi-tropical vegetable. The balcony of day north can accept enougher sunshine commonly, suit to grow vegetable happy this world or a few be able to bear or endure shade but the plant that also has particular demand to sunshine. On balcony of north of big talk day, you can consider to grow the following vegetable:

1.Intertropical ornamental plant: For instance intertropical flowers, wood of the foot that be like duck, cockscomb, flame-tree, they need enough sunshine and measurable humidity.

2.Potted green plant: Wait like bamboo of cactus, curvature of the spinal column, bracketplant, these plants are not very tall to sunshine requirement, but the illumination talent with also need particular grows healthy and strong.

3.Sweetgrass kind plant: For instance field mint, rosemary, citronella, they suit to sunny environment good, can undertake cultivating on the balcony and supply fresh herb to be used to the kitchen.

4.Intertropical fruit plant: Be like orange kind plant (orange, lemon) , the sunshine a future life with their enough need grows and result.

5.Greengrocery plant: Wait like tomato, chili, they also need enough sunshine a future life to grow with the result.

Anyhow, when the choice grows the vegetable on balcony of north of big talk day, can undertake choosing according to the climate condition of floral illumination demand, big talk and oneself be fond of.
