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1. **绿色植物**:如绿色的盆栽植物或者鲜花,可以增加生机和活力,有助于吸引积极的气场。

2. **灯具**:在大门周围放置明亮的灯具,能够增加光明和热情,有助于驱散阴霾,招来好运。

3. **挂件**:选择一些寓意吉祥、幸福的挂件,如福字、喜鹊等,放在大门处可以增加正能量。

4. **鱼缸**:放置一个清澈明亮的鱼缸,里面养一些鱼,有助于提升财运和流通,同时水的流动也有利于改善气场。

5. **摆设**:摆放一些美观、富有质感的装饰物,如水晶摆件或者艺术品,可以增加大门区域的气场和美感。



In traditional and geomantic idea of China, the word of gate day north, can consider to place a few can add in relief energy of life, attract lucky article. It is a few common choices below:

1.** greenery ** : The potted plant that is like green or flower, can increase opportunity of survival and vigor, conduce to attract positive gas field.

2.** of ** lamps and lanterns: In bright lamps and lanterns is placed all round the gate, can increase light and enthusiasm, conduce to break up haze, speak lucky.

3.** hangs a ** : Choose a few implied meaning lucky, happy hang, the word that be like blessing, magpie, put in gate place to be able to increase energy.

4.** aquarium ** : Place a clear and bright aquarium, a few fish are raised inside, conduce to promotion money carries and current, at the same time the flow of water also is helpful for improving gas field.

5.** furnishs ** : Put a few beautiful, ornamental that are full of simple sense, if crystal is placed or artwork, can increase the gas field of gate area and aesthetic feeling.

When the choice places article, had better decide according to oneself be fond of and geomantic belief, can bring active energy become reconciled in order to ensure to carry to the family truly.
