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1. **八运四向:** 根据风水理论,八运四向是指每个人的八字命盘中的干支排列。如果某人的八字命盘中的八运四向与某些年份的天干地支组合起来形成了旺夫的组合,那么这些年份就被认为是旺夫的年份。

2. **八字命理:** 通过八字命理学,可以分析一个人的命局特点,包括事业、财运、健康等方面。如果一个人的命局在某些年份有利于事业发展、财运亨通、健康稳固,那么这些年份就可以被认为是旺夫的年份。

3. **风水配置:** 在风水学中,通过合适的布局和装饰可以调整环境气场,从而对个人的运势产生影响。如果一个人的居住或工作环境在某些年份通过风水配置可以增加事业发展、健康和财富的机会,那么这些年份也可以被认为是旺夫的年份。



Geomantic what the husband of fleeting time flourishing in learning points to normally is a particular year that is helpful for male career, health and fortune. Although geomantic learn to there are different explanation and understanding in different culture, but normally for, the feature of husband of fleeting time flourishing may include the following:

1.8 carry of ** 4 to: ** foundation is geomantic and theoretical, 8 carry 4 to it is the character 8 life that points to everybody dish medium the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches is arranged. If character 8 life of someone dish medium 8 carry 4 combine the combination that formed flourishing husband to the months months with certain age, so a particular year that these a particular year are considered as flourishing husband.

2.Life of ** character 8 manages: ** passes a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of character 8 life, can analyse the life bureau characteristic of a person, include the field such as carry of career, money, health. If the life bureau of a person is helpful for a career in certain age,development, money carries be prosperous, health is firm, so a particular year that these a particular year can be considered as flourishing husband.

3.** geomantic configuration: ** is in geomantic in learning, pass equal distribution and adornment to be able to adjust environmental gas field, produce an effect to movement power of the individual thereby. If of a person live or the chance that working environment can raise career progress, health and money through geomantic configuration in certain age, so a particular year that these a particular year also can be considered as flourishing husband.

Those who need an attention is, husband of fleeting time flourishing is not absolutely, different person is having different destiny contrail and movement power change. And, even if husband of fleeting time flourishing, also need individual effort and correct action ability to grasp an opportunity better, achieve oneself goal.
