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1. **福字**:在中国文化中,挂起福字或者是将福字贴在门上被认为是驱邪和带来好运的。

2. **石头或水晶**:一些人认为在家中放置一些特定的石头或水晶可以带来好运,比如紫水晶、玛瑙等。

3. **吉祥物**:选择一些象征着好运和幸福的吉祥物,比如招财猫、金蟾等。

4. **风水镜**:在风水学中,使用特定的镜子来调整居室的风水,防止负能量的聚集。

5. **香薰或草药**:有些人喜欢在新家里使用香薰或燃烧一些草药来净化空气和驱除不良的能量。

6. **祈祷和仪式**:一些家庭会进行祈祷或仪式,祈求神灵或祖先的庇佑和保佑。



When move, a lot of people can choose a few goods or the symbol comes exorcise evil spirits and flourishing money. In different culture and belief, have various consuetudinary with the practice. A few common article include:

1.** of ** blessing word: In Chinese culture, hang blessing word to perhaps be considered as blessing copybook on the door exorcise and bring lucky.

2.** stone or crystal ** : A few people think to place a few specific stone or crystal to be able to be brought in the home lucky, for instance amethyst, agate.

3.** mascot ** : Choose a few symbolic move is lucky the mascot with happiness, enrol money cat, Jin Chan to wait for instance.

4.** of ** geomantic lens: Be in geomantic in learning, those who use specific mirror to adjust a bedroom is geomantic, prevent those who lose energy to gather.

5.** is sweet a kind of sweet grass or herbal ** : Some people like to be used in new home sweet a kind of sweet grass or burn a few medicinal herbs will purify the energy with air and undesirable drive.

6.** prays and ceremonial ** : A few families can undertake prayer or ceremony, of invocatory deities or ancestor bless and bless.

No matter choose which kinds of method, the key is yourself's belief and feeling. The choice can let you feel set one's mind at and comfortable method is most important.
