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1. **水木相济**:癸水和卯木相生相克,水润木滋,相得益彰,使人具有极强的生命力和适应力。

2. **聪明灵敏**:癸水代表智慧,卯木代表机智,因此此格局的人通常聪明敏捷,反应迅速,善于思考和分析。

3. **富有创造力**:卯木具有创造力和艺术天赋,加上癸水的灵感和想象力,使得此格局的人在艺术、文学、设计等领域有很高的表现力和创造力。

4. **人际关系良好**:癸水善于交际,卯木喜欢与人相处,因此此格局的人通常人缘很好,社交能力强,能够与各种类型的人相处融洽。

5. **情感丰富**:癸水代表情感,卯木代表感受,因此此格局的人情感丰富,善于表达自己的情感,也较为敏感,容易受到外界情绪的影响。



Day column is " the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems " pattern, belong to " day of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems " . Generally speaking, such pattern falls in the following circumstance most flourishing:

1.** of aid of photograph of ** water wood: Water of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems and Mao Mu mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements, shui Runmu grow, bring out the best in each other,

2.** of ** clever delicacy: Water of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems represents wisdom, mao Mu represents resource, because of this person of this pattern normally clever and nimble, response is quick, be good at think and be being analysed.

3.** is full of creativity ** : Mao Mu has creativity and artistic talent, add the inspiration of water of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems and imagination, make the person of this pattern has very high expression power and creativity in the domain such as artistic, literature, design.

4.** human relationship is good ** : Water of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems sociability, maomu likes to get along with the person, accordingly the person of this pattern understands ordinary person reason very good, gregarious capability is strong, can get along with the person of all sorts of types harmonious.

5.** affection abounds ** : Water of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems represents feeling, delegate of wood of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches is experienced, because this favor of this pattern feels rich, be good at expressing oneself feeling, relatively sensitive also, get easily the influence of outside mood.

As a whole, the person of structure of day of the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches of the last of the ten Heavenly Stems has clever delicacy, creativity strong, human be on speaking terms, affection is rich wait for a characteristic, suit to be engaged in needing thinking active, originality is rich and communicate frequent job and domain with the person.
