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1. **锦鲤**:代表吉祥和好运,通常有红、金、黑、白等色彩组合,非常受欢迎。
2. **红龙鱼**:因为其色彩艳丽、龙形状的体态,被认为是吉祥的象征。
3. **金鱼**:代表富贵和长寿,金鱼的种类繁多,有不同的颜色和品种供选择。
4. **虎皮银鱼**:有特殊的条纹花纹,象征力量和权威。
5. **鲤鱼**:也是象征吉祥和好运的常见选择。



Most the fish that flourishing money points to acting free captive animals normally, think to be able to be brought on the tradition lucky with fortune. In Chinese culture, common most flourishing money fish includes:

1.** of carp of ** bright and beautiful: Delegate auspicious is auspicious and lucky, have normally red, gold, black, white wait for colour combination, very welcome.
2.** Gong Longyu ** : Because of its colour the posture of appearance of gorgeous, dragon, be considered as symbolize luckily.
3.** goldfish ** : Represent riches and honour and long life, the sort of goldfish is various, different color and breed offer an alternative.
4.** of whitebait of ** tiger skin: Have special stripe figure, symbolic power and authority.
5.** carp ** : Also be the common choice that indicative and lucky become reconciled carries.

Choose free captive animals of which kinds of fish most flourishing money, still depend on finally the individual's be fond of and belief.
