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1. **金银器具**: 金银器具象征着财富和繁荣。可以选择摆放金银饰品、金银摆设或者金银装饰品来增加财运气场。

2. **翡翠**: 在东方文化中,翡翠被认为具有驱邪避灾、招财纳福的功效。可以选择一些翡翠摆件或者佩戴翡翠饰品。

3. **水晶**: 水晶也被认为有吸引财富的作用。尤其是紫水晶和黄水晶,被认为能够增强财运。

4. **招财猫**: 招财猫是日本传统的吉祥物之一,被认为能够带来好运和财富。通常是一个摆动手臂的小猫雕塑,可以放在房间的入口处或者财位。

5. **风水镜**: 在风水学说中,风水镜可以调整室内的气场,吸引好运。特别是在门口或者财位摆放一个风水镜。

6. **幸运植物**: 一些植物被认为能够带来好运和财富,比如绿萝、吊兰、金钱树等。将这些植物摆放在家中,可以增加室内的生气。



Decorating bridal chamber is a kind of old tradition in order to promote money carry and good luck. Although these are devotional,differ somewhat, but the following article is thought to be able to bring normally lucky with fortune:

1.** gold silver provides ** : Golden silver provides indicative fortune and prosperity. Can choose to put bullion act the role ofing to taste, bullion is furnished or bullion adornment increases money luck field.

2.** halcyon ** : In Oriental culture, halcyon is thought to have exorcise to avoid the effect of the calamity, enjoy a life of comfort that enrol money. Can choose a few halcyon to place perhaps adorn emerald act the role ofing is tasted.

3.** crystal ** : Crystal also is thought to have the effect that draws money. Especially amethyst and citrine, be thought to be able to enhance money fortune.

4.** enrols money cat ** : The cat that enrol money is one of mascot of Japanese tradition, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune. It is one places the kitten sculpture that uses an arm normally, the entrance that can be put in the room is in or money.

5.** of ** geomantic lens: In geomantic doctrine, geomantic lens can adjust indoor gas field, attract lucky. Be in especially doorway or money put a geomantic looking glass.

6.** of ** lucky plant: A few plants are thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune, for instance green trailing plants, bracketplant, money is cultivated etc. Put these plants in the home, can add indoor life.

Nevertheless, the most important is the belief according to the individual and decoration of choice of be fond of, in allowing the home, be full of festival and energy.
