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1. **财神像**:财神是中国传统信仰中财富与好运的象征,摆放财神像可以象征着财运亨通,生意兴隆。

2. **金钱树**:金钱树象征着财富和繁荣,因其叶子形状酷似硬币而被认为能够吸引财富。将金钱树放置在家中的财位上通常被认为能够带来财运。

3. **水晶摆件**:选择一些财富或好运的水晶摆件,如水晶球、水晶金蟾等,摆放在适当的位置可以增加宅内的财气。

4. **发财树**:发财树又称为吉祥树,象征着好运与财富。选择一盆绿叶茂盛的发财树摆放在家中财位上,可以增加财运。

5. **吉祥物**:选择一些与财富、好运相关的吉祥物,如金色的招财猫、金蟾等,摆放在家中可以增添喜庆氛围。



In bridal chamber the town puts a few indicative fortune and lucky article to be able to bring money to carry curtilage. It is a few common choices below:

1.** mammon resembles ** : Mammon is Chinese tradition the fortune in belief and symbolize luckily, put mammon to resemble OK and indicative money carry be prosperous, the business is thriving.

2.** money cultivates ** : Money establishs indicative fortune and prosperity, because of its leaf appearance is exactly like coin and be thought to be able to draw money. money the tree places the money in the home go up to be thought to be able to bring money luck normally.

3.** crystal places a ** : Choose a few fortune or lucky crystal to place, wait like crystal ball, crystal Jin Chan, put can increase in proper place curtilage the money inside is angry.

4.** gets rich tree ** : Get rich the tree calls lucky tree again, symbolic move is lucky with fortune. Those who choose exuberance of a greenery get rich the tree is put in the money in the home on, can increase money use.

5.** mascot ** : Choose a few with lucky and fortune, relevant mascot, wait like the aureate cat that enrol money, Jin Chan, it is OK in the home to put add festive atmosphere.

No matter choose why to be planted article, the key depends on putting in proper place, and keep clean and orderly, in order to maintain the flow of energy.
