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1. **清理和净化空间**:在入住新房之前,进行全面的清理和净化工作,包括清除旧有物品和能量残留。这可以通过打扫、熏香、喷洒清香或使用清洁剂来完成。

2. **摆放护符或符咒**:在新房中摆放一些象征着保护和祝福的护符或符咒,如五帝钱、太极镜、紫微斗数、平安符等。

3. **使用水晶或磁石**:据说某些水晶和磁石能够吸引和转化负面能量,保护居室免受邪气侵扰。常见的选择包括黑色的黑曜石和红色的红玛瑙。

4. **摆放绿色植物**:在新房中摆放一些绿色植物,如吊兰、绿萝等,据说可以吸收室内的负能量,增加气场的活力。

5. **布置风水镜**:在适当的位置放置风水镜,以反射或吸收不利的气场,保护家庭成员的健康和财运。

6. **挂挂画**:选择一些寓意吉祥的画作挂在家中,如山水画、花鸟画等,有助于提升居室的气场和生活品质。

7. **避开负面区域**:根据风水学说,房屋中存在一些不利的区域,如尖角、门对门、厕所对门等,要尽量避免住在这些区域或采取相应的化解方法。



Geomantic in the gas field that a lot of methods can use bridal chamber of exorcise, protection. It is a few common practices below:

1.** clears and purify dimensional ** : Before entering bridal chamber, undertake clear in the round and depurative the job, include to keep clear of old have article and energy remain. This can be passed clean, fume sweet, spray faint scent or use cleaner will finish.

2.** puts phylactery or charm ** : The phylactery of a few indicative protection and blessing or charm are put in bridal chamber, be like 5 emperor money, too extremely lens, violet small a bottle of number, restful accord with.

3.** uses crystal or magnetite ** : Allegedly certain crystal and magnet can be attracted and change negative energy, protective bedroom is avoided suffer evil influence harrass. The common obsidian that chooses to include black and gules red agate.

4.** puts greenery ** : A few greenery are put in bridal chamber, wait like bracketplant, green trailing plants, can draw indoor negative energy allegedly, increase the vigor of gas field.

5.** decorates geomantic lens ** : Geomantic mirror is laid in proper place, with reflex or absorbing adverse gas field, protect the health of domestic member and money carry.

6.** hangs the ** that hang a picture: Choose the picture with a few lucky implied meaning to make in be being hanged in the home, wait like picture of landscape painting, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style,

7.** escape is negative area ** : According to geomantic doctrine, a few adverse area exist in the building, face each other of the horn that be like a needle, door, toilet face each other, should avoid as far as possible area or adopt dissolve a method accordingly.

As a whole, the cleanness that holds a house and neat, union puts the goods such as charm, crystal, what can promote bridal chamber effectively is geomantic, build a favorable living environment.
