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1. 季节性高峰期:某些行业或商品有明显的季节性需求,比如冬季对于煤炭、天然气等能源的需求增加,夏季对于水果、蔬菜等的需求增加,这些季节性需求会导致相关货运活动的增加。

2. 节假日前后:在节假日前后,人们通常会增加消费,从而促使零售和物流行业的活动增加,码头货运也会相应增加。

3. 全球经济复苏期:经济繁荣时期,全球贸易活动会增加,这将导致码头货运量的增加。

4. 特定事件或活动影响:例如大型展会、体育赛事或政治活动可能会导致某些地区的货运需求激增。



The busy degree of dock freight can get normally the influence of a variety of elements, include seasonal situation of trade of level of activity of demand, economy, whole world. Generally speaking, dock freight is in the following period may most flourishing:

1.Seasonal fastigium: Certain industry or commodity have apparent seasonal demand, for instance winter increases to the demand of the sources of energy such as coal, natural gas, the demand that waits to fruit, vegetable increases the summer, these are seasonal the addition that demand can cause relevant freight activity.

2.Holiday around: In holiday around, people can increase consumption normally, make thereby retail the activity that spreads a trade with content increases, dock freight also can increase accordingly.

3.Global economy anabiosises period: Economic prosperity period, global trade activity can increase, this increases those who cause dock goods volume.

4.Specific event or activity affect: For example large the freight demand increase sharply that exhibits match of meeting, sports or politics to may bring about certain zone.

As a whole, dock freight most flourishing when mix with economic activity normally closely related the addition of market demand.
