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初中英语议论文和说明文:Friendship 友谊


初中英语议论文和说明文:Friendship 友谊

初中英语议论文和说明文:Friendship 友谊



Friendship is very important to one's life. Friendship is like sunshine. It brings us warmth and happiness. When we meet with difficulties, our friends will come to help us. A saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Nobody would refuse a real friend, but friendship is like every living thing that needs nourishment. Only with constant care will the tree of friendship be ever green.


1)It brings us warmth and happiness. 给我们带来温暖和幸福。

2)A saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” 俗话说,“患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友”。

3)need nourishment 需要营养

4)Only with constant care will the tree of friendship be ever green. 精心呵护使友谊之树常青。

Friendship 友谊

Friendship is one of the most valuable treasures in our lives. It is a bond that connects people through trust, understanding, and mutual respect. A true friend is someone who stands by you in both good times and bad, offering support and encouragement when you need it most.

Friendship is not about how long you have known someone, but rather the quality of the relationship you share. It is about being there for each other, listening without judgment, and providing a shoulder to lean on during difficult times. Friends celebrate your successes, share your joys, and help you overcome your challenges.

I am fortunate to have several close friends who have been with me through thick and thin. We laugh together, cry together, and support each other through life's ups and downs. Our friendship has taught me the importance of loyalty, honesty, and compassion.

In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to lose sight of the significance of genuine friendships. However, it is crucial to nurture and cherish these relationships as they bring happiness, love, and a sense of belonging into our lives.

In conclusion, friendship is a priceless gift that enriches our lives in countless ways. It reminds us that we are not alone in this world and that we have people who care about us deeply. Therefore, we should always treasure and appreciate the friends we have and strive to be a good friend in return.







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