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1. 水景:水象征着财富和流动的能量。摆放一个清澈流动的水景,如喷泉或鱼缸,可以促进财运和正能量的流动。

2. 绿色植物:绿色植物不仅可以增加室内的氧气含量,还能吸收负面能量,提升空气品质,并给人带来舒适和活力。

3. 水晶:水晶被认为具有能量调和和净化的作用,可以吸引正能量并驱散负面能量。常见的水晶包括水晶球、水晶簇等。

4. 鱼缸:在风水中,鱼被视为吉祥的象征,特别是金鱼。摆放一个清洁明亮的鱼缸可以带来好运和积极的能量。

5. 风铃:风铃被认为可以吸引吉祥之气,使周围环境清新宁静。挂上一些优雅的风铃,可以改善气场,消除压力和紧张。



Geomantic it is a kind of old traditional idea, think to be able to mediate through putting goods the energy all round, the harmony of stimulative family and happiness and benefit. Although geomantic there are different understanding and practice method in different culture and area, but generally speaking, the following article is considered as to conduce to promotion family geomantic:

1.Water scene: The energy of water is indicative fortune and flow. Lay the water view of a clear flow, be like fountain or aquarium, can advance money carry and the flow of energy.

2.Greenery: Greenery can add indoor aerobic content not only, still can draw negative energy, promote air quality, bring to the person comfortable with vigor.

3.Crystal: Crystal is thought to have the effect that energy mediates and purifies, can attract energy breaks up negative energy. Common crystal includes crystal ball, crystal bunch to wait.

4.Aquarium: Be in geomantic in, the fish is regarded as symbolize luckily, especially goldfish. Put a clean and bright aquarium to be able to be brought lucky with active energy.

5.Wind-bell: Wind-bell is thought to be able to draw lucky vital energy, make surroundings pure and fresh and halcyon. Hang the wind-bell of on a few grace, can improve gas field, eliminate pressure and insecurity.

Remember please, geomantic it is a kind of idea only, to its the authenticity of the effect is put in controversy. Anyhow, build comfortable, neat, bright and red-blooded domestic environment, it is very important.
