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1. **日照情况:**果树通常需要充足的阳光照射才能茁壮成长。确保屋后的位置能够获得足够的阳光。

2. **土壤质量:**果树对土壤的要求各不相同,但大多数果树都喜欢排水良好、肥沃的土壤。进行土壤测试,了解土壤的酸碱度、养分含量等情况,以便选择适合的果树种植。

3. **气候条件:**果树的生长和结果受气候条件的影响很大。选择适合当地气候的果树种类,比如耐寒性强的品种适合寒冷地区,而耐热性强的品种适合炎热地区。

4. **空间限制:**考虑屋后的空间大小以及周围环境,选择适合的果树品种,避免过大或过高的果树影响周围建筑物或植被。



Want to choose to plant a fruit tree after house, had better consider the following factors:

1.** sunshine circumstance: ** fruiter needs thrive of enough sunshine illuminate ability normally. Ensure the position after house can obtain enough sunshine.

2.** soil quality: The ** fruiter requirement to soil each are not identical, but most fruiter likes drain off water good, fertile soil. Undertake soil checks, understand the situation such as content of edaphic acid-base value, nutrient, the fruiter that so that choose,suits is cultivated.

3.** climate condition: The growth of ** fruiter and the effect that suffer climate condition as a result are very big. The choice suits the fruiter sort of local climate, the breed with cold-resistant for instance strong sex suits cold region, and the breed with strong hear resistance suits burning hot area.

4.** space restricts: ** considers the dimensional size after house and surroundings, choose suitable fruiter breed, had avoided big or exorbitant fruiter all round the influence building or vegetation.

Common the fruit tree that plants after house includes malic tree, pear tree, peach, orange kind etc. You can combine particular case of place to choose the fruiter breed that suits most to undertake cultivating according to above element.
