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1. 红色物品:红色在中国文化中象征着喜庆和好运,因此在车里放置一些红色的物品,如红色挂件、红色抱枕或者红色的装饰品,有些人认为可以辟邪和旺运。

2. 长命锁:长命锁是一种传统的吉祥物,有助于保佑驾驶者平安健康,一般是用来挂在车内的后视镜上。

3. 财神爷像:一些人在车内摆放财神爷的小雕像或画像,以期望能够招财进宝、旺运亨通。

4. 祈福符咒:一些信徒会悬挂一些寺庙或道观赐予的祈福符咒,相信这样可以辟邪保佑。

5. 护身符:一些人会在车内放置一些自己认为有保护作用的护身符或护身符。



In Chinese culture, it is OK that a few people believe to place a few articles that accord with geomantic or traditional belief in the car exorcise evil spirits or flourishing carry. It is a few common article below:

1.Gules article: Red is indicative in Chinese culture festival become reconciled carries, because this places the article of a few red in the car, if red is hanged, red holds the adornment with gules perhaps pillow in the arms, it is OK that some people think exorcise evil spirits and flourishing carry.

2.Long-lived lock: Long-lived lock is a kind of traditional mascot, conduce to bless the person that drive restful health, it is to use the rearview mirror that is hanged inside the car commonly.

3.Mammon father resembles: A few people put the statuette that mammon as form of a address for an official or rich man or picture inside the car, enter be prosperous of carry of treasure, flourishing with expecting to be able to enrol money.

4.Pray blessing charm: A few believer will be a few more pensile the pray blessing charm that cloister or path view bestow, it is so OK to believe exorcise evil spirits is blessed.

5.Amulet: A few people can place a few amulet that he think to have protective effect or amulet inside the car.

No matter choose what goods, important is the force that believes them, use inside safe and reasonable range.
