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1. **吊兰**:被认为是招财进宝的代表植物之一,它们易于养护,能够在室内生长良好,并且被认为能够吸收负能量,带来好运。

2. **金钱树**:又称为绿萝,因为其叶形似硬币而得名,被认为能够招财进宝、旺财。

3. **发财树**:又称为吉祥树、榕树等,被认为能够带来好运、招财进宝,有助于家中财运亨通。

4. **幸运竹**:在中国传统文化中,竹子象征着吉祥、长寿和幸福,被认为能够招财纳福。



According to geomantic doctrine, a few houseplant that are thought to be able to enrol money to enter treasure include:

1.** bracketplant ** : Money of action be consideringed as takes one of delegate plants of treasure, they easily conserve, can grow indoors good, and be thought can draw negative energy, bring lucky.

2.** money cultivates ** : Call green trailing plants again, get a name because of coin of its leaf be similar in shape, be thought to be able to enrol money to take money of treasure, flourishing.

3.** gets rich tree ** : Call lucky tree, banyan to wait again, be thought to be able to bring money of lucky, action to enter treasure, conduce to be prosperous of carry of the money in the home.

4.** of ** lucky bamboo: In Chinese traditional culture, bamboo is indicative lucky, long life and happiness, be thought to be able to enrol money enjoy a life of comfort.

These plants not only beautiful, and in can attracting money air current to enter the home allegedly. Of course, geomantic idea because of the person different, the plant that you also can select yourself to like will decorate indoor.
