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1. **仙人掌**:仙人掌对阳光要求不高,耐干旱,适合放在室内阳光充足的位置。

2. **吊兰**:吊兰是耐阴植物,对光线要求不高,而且喜欢潮湿的环境,适合放在室内通风良好的地方。

3. **吊篮植物**:如凤梨、长寿花等,它们通常比较耐阴,适合放在室内明亮的位置,并且需要定期浇水和施肥。

4. **绿萝**:绿萝是适合室内种植的常见植物之一,它对光线的要求不高,但需要保持土壤湿润。

5. **常青藤**:常青藤是一种易于种植和管理的植物,它可以在室内的阴凉环境下生长良好。

6. **吊钱柳**:吊钱柳是一种热带植物,对于室内的温暖环境比较适应,但也需要适度的阳光和湿润的土壤。



Indoor when raising a vegetable, a few breed suit grow the most exuberantly below the environment indoors. It is below a few suit commonly indoor cultivated vegetable:

1.** cactus ** : Cactus is not tall to sunshine requirement, be able to bear or endure arid, suit to put indoors sunny position.

2.** bracketplant ** : Bracketplant is to be able to bear or endure shade plant, not tall to radial requirement, and the environment that likes moisture, suit to put indoors drafty place.

3.** of ** nacelle plant: Wait like pineapple, macrobian flower, they are able to bear or endure quite normally shade, suit to put indoors bright position, and need water regularly and fertilize.

4.** of ** green trailing plants: Green trailing plants is to suit indoor one of cultivated common vegetables, it is not tall to radial requirement, but need maintains soil wet.

5.** of ** evergreen cane: Evergreen cane is a kind of plant that be cultivated easily and runs, it is OK indoors grow below shady and cool environment good.

6.** of willow of ** condole money: A string of 1 Qian Liu is a kind of tropical vegetation, suit quite to indoor warm environment, but also need measurable sunshine and wet soil.

These plants compare easy conserve normally, suit abecedarian to cultivate, and can grow more exuberantly below the environment indoors. Remember, demand of different floral conserve differs somewhat, need undertakes be adjustmented appropriately according to actual condition.
