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1. **金融投资**:由于猴的机智和灵活性,适合从事金融投资,包括股票、基金、外汇等。但需要注意风险和市场波动。

2. **创业**:猴的聪明才智和勇气适合创业。选择适合自己的行业,发挥自己的创意和才能,可能会带来意想不到的财富。

3. **社交网络**:猴的人际关系广泛,善于交际,可以通过社交网络扩大人脉,获得商机和财富。

4. **学习技能**:不断学习新技能,提升自己的专业能力和竞争力,可以为猴的财运带来更多的机会。

5. **节约理财**:猴的人聪明灵活,可以通过合理的理财规划和节约开支来增加财富积累。

6. **风水布局**:根据个人八字和风水理论,可以选择适合自己的风水布局,来提升财运。



The person that belongs to monkey can consider the following kinds of way in respect of the carry that raise money:

1.** finance invests ** : As a result of the resource of monkey and flexibility, suit to undertake financial investment, include stock, fund, foreign currency to wait. But need notices risk and market are fluctuant.

2.** poineering ** : The intelligence an wisdom of monkey and courage suit to do poineering work. The choice suits his industry, develop oneself originality and ability, may bring the money that expect is less than.

3.** of ** gregarious network: The human relationship of monkey is extensive, sociability, can pass arteries and veins of adult of gregarious network enlarge, obtain business chance and money.

4.** learns skill ** : Learn new mastery of a skill or technique ceaselessly, promote oneself major ability and competition ability, the money carry that can be monkey brings more opportunities.

5.** of ** managing conduct financial transactions: The person of monkey is clever and agile, can increase fortune to accumulate through program of sound conduct financial transactions and managing expenditure.

6.** of ** geomantic layout: According to individual character 8 and geomantic theory, can choose to fit oneself geomantic position, will promote money use.

Remember, whatever method, hold to effort and wisdom the key that applying is promotion money carry.
