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1. 床:床的位置应该放置在房间的最佳位置,避免正对门或窗口。床头最好是靠着实墙,以保持安全感。床的床品颜色最好选用温暖、舒适的色彩。

2. 绿色植物:放置一两盆绿色植物可以增加房间的生机和氧气含量,有助于提升整体风水。

3. 风水水晶球:水晶球具有化解负能量的作用,可以提升主卧室的正能量。

4. 风水摆件:例如金箔、水晶、菩提子等风水摆件,能够调整气场,增加正能量。

5. 风铃:在窗户或床头挂上风铃可以增加房间内的流动正能量。



The basis is geomantic learned principle, advocate of the bedroom decorate should give priority to with comfortable, harmony and slow atmosphere. It is below a few place in advocate in the bedroom most the article with geomantic flourishing:

1.Bed: The position of the bed should set the optimal position that is in a room, avoid face each other or window. The head of a bed had better be recumbent fact wall, in order to maintain safe sense. The bed of the bed tastes color to had better choose warm, comfortable color.

2.Greenery: Place 9 greenery to be able to add the opportunity of survival of the room and aerobic content, conduce to promotion whole is geomantic.

3.Geomantic and crystal ball: Crystal ball has the effect that dissolves negative energy, can promote advocate of the bedroom energy.

4.Geomantic place: For example gold foil, crystal, bodhi child etc geomantic place, can adjust gas field, increase energy.

5.Wind-bell: Windward bell is hanged to be able to increase the flow inside the room in window or the head of a bed energy.

As a whole, advocate bedroom most flourishing decorates need geomanticly the attention is balance, comfortable the principle with harmony, in order to create a halcyon, cheerful rest environment.
