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1. **注重环境的人**:那些重视居住或工作环境布局和设计的人,可能更容易受益于良好的风水。他们会在家中或办公室中创造出符合风水原则的布局。

2. **开明的人**:那些对传统文化和信仰持开放态度的人,可能更容易接受风水的概念,并且会尝试利用风水原理来提升自己的生活质量。

3. **注重平衡的人**:风水强调平衡和和谐,因此那些注重平衡生活各个方面的人可能更容易从风水中受益。他们会尝试通过调整环境来创造更加平衡的生活。

4. **尊重传统的人**:风水是中国传统文化的一部分,因此那些尊重和重视传统文化的人可能更倾向于接受并运用风水的理念。



Geomantic the belief that believing is tradition of a kind of China and practice, think environmental layout and specific azimuth can affect the movement power of a person and happiness and benefit. Generally speaking, people thinks the person of the following type may benefit from benefit from is good geomantic:

1.** pays attention to person ** of the environment: Those take seriously live or the person of working environment layout and design, may easier benefit from benefit from is good geomantic. They can be in the home or the innovation in the office gives the position that accords with geomantic principle.

2.The person ** with enlightened ** : Those hold the person of open manner to traditional culture and belief, the likelihood is more recipient geomantic concept, and meeting attempt uses geomantic principle will promote oneself life quality.

3.** pays attention to the person ** of the balance: Geomantic emphasize balance and harmony, accordingly those pay attention to a balance to live the person of each respects may be easier from geomantic in be benefited. They can try to be created through adjusting an environment more the life of the balance.

4.** respects traditional person ** : Geomantic the one part that is Chinese traditional culture, those esteem and the person that take traditional culture seriously are accordingly likely more apt is accepted and apply geomantic concept.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic may differ somewhat to the influence of everybody, because the surroundings of everybody, belief is mixed,viewpoint of value differs. Accordingly, although a person accords with above condition, also can not ensure they can achieve favorable geomantic result certainly.
