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1. **绿色植物**:阳台上摆放一些绿色植物,如吊兰、芦荟、君子兰等,可以增加空气中的氧气含量,改善空气质量,同时也有益于家居的风水。

2. **观赏植物**:选择一些美丽的观赏植物,如花卉或盆景,能够增加阳台的美感,有助于调节室内外的气场,提升整体风水。

3. **鱼缸**:如果阳台条件允许,可以考虑养一些鱼类,如金鱼、锦鲤等。水是风水学中重要的元素之一,养鱼可以增加阳台的水元素,有助于调和室内外的气场。

4. **小型水景**:在阳台上布置一个小型的水景,如流水、喷泉或人工小溪,可以增加水的元素,有助于改善风水。

5. **彩色装饰物**:在阳台上放置一些彩色的装饰物,如风铃、彩色灯笼等,可以增加阳台的活力和气场,有助于改善整体风水。



The balcony is a very good place raises a few biology, can increase life fun not only, still can improve air quality and promotion whole geomantic. It is a few biology that suit the balcony below:

1.** greenery ** : A few greenery are put on the balcony, wait like bracketplant, Lu Hui, gentleman orchid, can add the aerobic content in air, improve air quality, what also benefit household at the same time is geomantic.

2.** ornamental plant ** : Select the ornamental plant of a few beauty, be like flowers or miniascape, can increase the aesthetic feeling of the balcony, conduce to adjust the gas field of room inside and outside, promotion whole is geomantic.

3.** aquarium ** : If balcony condition allows, can consider to raise a few fish, wait like goldfish, bright and beautiful carp. Water is geomantic one of important elements in learning, pisciculture can add the water element of the balcony, conduce to the gas field of harmonic room inside and outside.

4.** of scene of ** small-sized water: Scene of a diminutive water is decorated on the balcony, be like running water, fountain or artificial brook, can add the element of water, conduce to improvement geomantic.

5.** color ornamental ** : The ornamental of a few color is placed on the balcony, wait like lantern of wind-bell, color, the vigor that can increase the balcony is amiable, conduce to improvement whole is geomantic.

No matter choose which kinds of biology or ornamental, dou Yinggen undertakes choosing according to the specific requirement of his be fond of and balcony, in order to achieve first-rate geomantic effect.
