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1. **清理与布置家居**:保持家里整洁干净,有秩序的布置家具和物品,有助于流通正能量和吸引好运。

2. **放置象征财富的物品**:如金色或红色的装饰品、摆设,以及代表财富和繁荣的植物,如吉祥树、幸运竹等。

3. **选择合适的睡房位置**:一些风水信仰主张将床放置在财位或称为“紫微星”位的地方,以增加财运。

4. **保持正面心态**:积极的心态和乐观的态度也是吸引好运的重要因素,不管是哪种风水布置,都不如内心的态度重要。



Geomantic to money carry has a lot of theory and belief, but they differ possibly in different culture and tradition somewhat. Generally speaking, geomantic thinking to attract money to carry through decorating an environment is a likelihood, but not be to say specific geomantic layout can bring money directly. However, the article that some people believe to put a few indicative money in specific azimuth or symbol can conduce to increase money carry. And to a woman, a few common geomantic proposals include:

1.** clears with decorate household ** : Maintain the home in shipshape, methodistic assigns furniture and article, conduce to current energy and attract lucky.

2.** places the article ** of indicative fortune: Be like aureate or gules adornment, decoration, and the plant that represents fortune and prosperity, wait like lucky tree, lucky bamboo.

3.** choice sleeps suitably room position ** : A few geomantic and devotional views place the bed in money or call " violet small bit " place, in order to increase money use.

4.** maintains ** of openly state of mind: Active state of mind and upbeat mood also are to attract lucky main factor, no matter which be,plant geomantic decorate, the manner that is inferior to a heart is important.

Those who need an attention is, geomantic effect because of the person different, some people may believe thoroughly, and to someone else, regard its as may morely a kind of tradition or culture is consuetudinary. While pursuit money carries, it is likewise important to reason thinks and work hard.
