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1. **红包(利是)**: 在中国,人们在新年期间给予红包是一种常见的习俗,特别是给年轻人和儿童。红色象征着好运和财富,而在红包里放入的钱则被认为会给收到的人带来财富和好运。

2. **桔子和柑橘**: 在中国,桔子和柑橘的发音与“吉祥”和“财富”相似,因此被认为能给家庭带来好运和财富。在新年期间,家庭会摆放桔子和柑橘来祈求吉祥和财富。

3. **年糕**: 年糕在中国是新年期间的传统食品之一,因其与“年年高升”谐音,被认为能够带来好运和财富。

4. **鱼**: 鱼在中国文化中象征着富裕和年年有余。在新年期间,吃鱼被认为能够带来财富和好运。



New Year sends what flourishing money most flourishing, this problem is met because of district and culture setting differ somewhat. In Chinese culture, the people on the tradition believes a few article or symbolize can bring lucky with fortune. The New Year of a few traditions " flourishing money " article includes:

1.** red bag (benefit is) ** : Be in China, people offers red package during New Year is a kind common consuetudinary, give youth and children especially. Gules and symbolic move is lucky with fortune, and the money that puts in red bag is thought to meet received person bring fortune become reconciled to carry.

2.** orange and orange ** : Be in China, the pronunciation of orange and orange and " lucky " and " fortune " similar, because this is thought,can bring to the family lucky with fortune. During New Year, the family can put orange and orange to petition auspicious is auspicious fortune.

3.** of ** New Year cake: New Year cake is in China is one of traditional food during New Year, because of its and " rise year after year " homophonic, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

4.** fish ** : The fish is symbolizing in Chinese culture rich and annual and superabundant. During New Year, eat a fish to be thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry.

These New Year that are a few traditions " flourishing money " article, but every family may have those who differ is consuetudinary with belief, so specific choice decides even according to the individual's be fond of and tradition.
