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1. **金饰物**:金在中国文化中象征着财富和好运,所以佩戴金饰物如金手链、金戒指等可能有助于提升财运。

2. **红色配饰**:红色被认为是吉祥和喜庆的颜色,在中国传统文化中与财富相关联。因此,佩戴红色配饰或者穿着红色衣物可能有助于招财。

3. **龙形饰品**:作为属龙的人,佩戴龙形饰品可能有助于激发自身的好运气。

4. **水晶**:一些人相信水晶具有吸引财富和提升运势的作用,你可以选择水晶饰品或者将水晶放置在家中财位上。

5. **摆设**:在家中摆放一些象征财富的物品,比如金色的财神像、聚宝盆等,也有助于增加财运。



The person that belongs to dragon is considered as to have money to carry normally in Chinese traditional culture. If you belong to dragon, want to promote money use further, can consider a few more the following means:

1.** of ** gold jewelry: Gold is indicative in Chinese culture fortune become reconciled carries, adorn golden jewelry is like the likelihood such as ring of golden hand catenary, gold to conduce to promotion money carry so.

2.** red deserves to act the role of ** : Red is considered as the color with auspicious and festival auspicious, in Chinese traditional culture related to fortune couplet. Accordingly, adorn red deserves to act the role of or wearing gules clothings to may conduce to action money.

3.** dragon form acts the role of taste ** : As the person that belongs to dragon, adorn dragon form is acted the role of taste a likelihood to conduce to the good luck that invokes oneself.

4.** crystal ** : A few people believe crystal has the effect that draws fortune and promotion movement power, you can choose to crystal act the role ofing is tasted or place crystal in the money in the home on.

5.** furnishs ** : The goods of a few indicative fortune is put in the home, for instance golden money statue of a god, cornucopia, also conduce to increase money use.

Remember, these are the proposals that are based on traditional belief and culture, although they cannot prove scientificly possibly, but definite to still having for a few people psychology is comforted and confidence effect.
