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1. 水晶摆件或水族箱:水晶被认为能够吸引正能量,而水族箱则能增加室内的水元素气场。
2. 蓝色或黑色的装饰品:蓝色和黑色是代表水元素的颜色,可以放置一些蓝色或黑色的装饰品来增强家中的水元素气场。
3. 象征财富和好运的物品:比如蓝宝石、青金石等,这些宝石被认为能够吸引财富和好运。



What does the person that belongs to a pig put in the home most flourishing, this involves the geomantic concept in Chinese traditional culture actually. According to geomantic doctrine, the any of the twelve animals of everybody and the five elements are concerned, and the five elements wait with different article, color again have corresponding concern. For the person to belonging to a pig, the movement power that the goods that can choose the attribute of a few the five elements with them to be accorded with will come to enhance them and life quality.

The attribute of the five elements of the person that belongs to a pig basically is water, can consider the following article to enhance their movement power so:
1.Crystal places or aquatic animals box: Crystal is thought to be able to be attracted energy, and aquatic animals box can increase field of indoor water element gas.
2.The adornment of blue or black: Blue and black are the color that represents water element, the field of water element gas in can placing the adornment of a few blue or black to enhance the home.
3.Indicative fortune and lucky article: For instance sapphirine, blueness metals and stone-a symbol of hardness and strength etc, these gem are thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry.

Besides above proposal, still need to consider to live in layout of layout zephyr water, the cleanness that keeps indoor as far as possible and neat, avoid block up the article that energy flows is put in significant position, can help the carry outward appearance that promotes whole and life quality so.
