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1. **绿萝(Money Plant)**:它们对于初学者来说是一个不错的选择,它们适应各种光线条件,并且不需要太多的水。

2. **仙人掌**:仙人掌植物对于干燥的环境和阳光充足的地方都很适合,并且不需要频繁的浇水。

3. **吊兰**:这些植物通常可以在室内生长,并且对于一些光线较弱的区域也很耐受。

4. **竹子**:竹子通常很容易养护,它们需要少量的水和适量的阳光。

5. **龟背竹**:也被称为“幸运竹”,它们可以在水中或土壤中生长,并且需要很少的维护。



Raise a plant to be able to depend on condition of your surroundings, illume and take care of time. But a few kinds of plants are thought generally to be fed more easily, they include:

1.** green trailing plants (Money Plant) ** : They to abecedarian it is a right choice, they get used to all sorts of light conditions, and do not need too much water.

2.** cactus ** : Cactus plant suits very much to dry environment and sunny place, and do not need water often.

3.** bracketplant ** : These plants can grow indoors normally, and weaker to a few lights area also very be able to bear or endure suffer.

4.** bamboo ** : Bamboo normally very easy conserve, they need a few water and right amount sunshine.

5.** of bamboo of ** curvature of the spinal column: Also be called " lucky bamboo " , they can be in water or grow in soil, and need very few maintenance.

These plants are considered as the good option that raises establish in the home normally, but the specific requirement that ensures you understand every to cultivate substance please, offer according to the circumstance take care of appropriately.
