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1. 鲜花或盆栽:绿色植物或鲜花可以增添生机和活力,为家里带来清新的气息。

2. 水晶摆件:水晶摆件被认为具有辟邪和增加正能量的功效,可以在客厅中放置一些水晶摆件来吸引好运。

3. 水景摆设:如果空间允许,可以在茶几上摆放一个小型的水景,如流水或小型喷泉,水的流动能够带来财运和好运。

4. 艺术品:在茶几上摆放一些艺术品或装饰画,可以提升客厅的氛围,增加文化气息。

5. 镜子:放置一个精美的镜子可以增加空间感,同时也有照福的意义,让好运不断。



Of sitting room tea table put can be designed according to the individual's be fond of and domestic atmosphere, but a few common adornment article can allow a sitting room more flourishing home:

1.Flower or potted: Greenery or flower can add opportunity of survival and vigor, to pure and fresh breath is brought in the home.

2.Crystal places: Crystal is placed be thought to have exorcise evil spirits and increase the effect of energy, a few crystal can be placed to place in the sitting room will attract lucky.

3.Water scene furnishs: If the space allows, view of a diminutive water can be laid on tea table, be like running water or small-sized fountain, the flow of water can bring money to carry become reconciled carries.

4.Artwork: A few artwork are put on tea table or decorate a picture, can promote the atmosphere of the sitting room, add culture flavor.

5.Mirror: Place an elegant mirror to be able to add dimensional touch, also have the sense that reflects blessing at the same time, let lucky and ceaseless.

The most important is, the choice accords with the ornamental of him be fond of and domestic atmosphere to taste, make a sitting room more sweet and comfortable, such talent are real flourishing home.
