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1. **黄金或金饰品**:金被视为财富的象征,在中国文化中特别受到重视。佩戴金饰品如金戒指、金项链等被认为能够带来好运和财富。

2. **红色手链**:红色被视为吉祥和幸运的颜色,在中国文化中常用于庆祝和祈求好运。佩戴红色手链可以带来积极的能量和财富。

3. **玉器**:玉被认为是中国传统文化中最珍贵的宝石之一,象征着长寿、吉祥和财富。选择一件玉器佩戴,比如玉手镯或玉佩,有助于增加财富运。

4. **招财猫**:招财猫是日本文化中的吉祥物,常见于中国的商家。它被认为能够带来财富和好运。选择一个招财猫摆件或挂件佩戴或放置在家中,有助于聚财。

5. **蓝宝石**:蓝宝石被认为是一种强大的护身符,可以带来财富和好运。佩戴蓝宝石的项链或戒指可能会增强属猪男性的聚财能力。



The male that belongs to a pig can choose to adorn be thought to have on a few traditions get together the article of effect of money flourishing wealth, for instance:

1.** gold or gold act the role of taste ** : What gold is regarded as money is indicative, special in Chinese culture be taken seriously. Adorn golden act the role ofing tastes necklace of the ring that be like gold, gold to wait to be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune.

2.** of catenary of ** gules hand: Red is regarded as the color with auspicious and lucky auspicious, commonly used in Chinese culture Yu Qingzhu and invocatory and lucky. Adorn gules hand catenary can bring active energy and money.

3.** of ** jade article: Jade is considered as one of the most precious gem in Chinese traditional culture, indicative long life, auspicious is auspicious fortune. Choose a jade article to adorn, for instance jade bracelet or Yu Pei, conduce to increase fortune use.

4.** enrols money cat ** : The cat that enrol money is the mascot in Japanese culture, common the businessman at China. It is thought to be able to bring fortune become reconciled to carry. The choice enrols money cat to place or hang adorn or place in the home, conduce to get together money.

5.** sapphirine ** : Sapphirine is considered as a kind of powerful amulet, can bring fortune become reconciled to carry. Adorn the necklace of sapphirine or ring may enhance those who belong to pig male to get together money ability.

No matter choose why to be planted article, the belief that the key depends on an individual and approbate to theirs.
