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1. **水源**: 水是风水中的重要元素之一,被认为能够代表财富和流动的能量。一个清澈流动的水源,如喷泉或小溪,被认为能够带来好运气。

2. **植物**: 绿色植物被认为能够吸引正能量,并提升工作环境的氛围。特别是一些茂盛的植物,如吊兰、常青藤等,被认为能够带来好运。

3. **照明**: 光线明亮、照明良好的工厂空间被认为能够促进积极的能量流动。因此,在摆放风水物品时,需要考虑到光线的照射情况。

4. **镜子**: 镜子被认为能够反射负面能量,保护工厂免受不良影响。但是,在摆放镜子时需要注意避免镜子反射出不良的能量。

5. **装饰品**: 色彩鲜艳、造型美观的装饰品被认为能够增加工厂的气场,提升工作效率和员工士气。



Geomantic the layout to the factory and put the influence with have certain, but those who need an attention is, geomantic the idea that is a kind of tradition only, support its result without scientific basis. However, according to geomantic theory, it is below a few be thought to be able to bring lucky goods:

1.** fountainhead ** : Water is geomantic one of medium important elements, be thought to be able to represent the energy of fortune and flow. The fountainhead of a clear flow, be like fountain or brook, be thought to be able to bring lucky energy of life.

2.** plant ** : Greenery is thought to be able to be attracted energy, promote the job environmental atmosphere. Especially the plant of a few exuberance, wait like bracketplant, evergreen cane, be thought to be able to be brought lucky.

3.** illume ** : The light the factory space with bright, good illume is thought to be able to promote positive energy flow. Accordingly, when putting geomantic goods, need considers illuminate case of the light.

4.** mirror ** : The mirror is thought to be able to reflex negative energy, protective factory is avoided suffer undesirable effect. But, when putting a looking glass need notices to avoid specular reflex to give undesirable energy.

5.** adornment ** : The gas field that the adornment with colourful, beautiful modelling is thought to be able to add a plant, promote work efficiency and employee morale.

As a whole, geomantic the idea that is a kind of tradition only, its effect because of the person different. When decorating a factory, the most important is to consider the easy of effective manufacturing demand and employee is measurable, and rather than is mere the theory with geomantic basis.
